Greyscale Sword & Sorcery
Heroic Legacies
Heroic legacies are subclasses that characters can take if they meet certain prerequisites. They allow players to customize their characters and develop extra abilities above and beyond their core class mechanics, growing into archetypes that cannot otherwise be expressed with the base rules. It is up to the narrator whether heroic legacies may be used, and if so how many may be gained and at what levels. The recommended progression in GSS is to allow characters to take one heroic legacy at 9th and 18th level. Bear in mind that legacies are not all the same. Some confer raw "power", while others offer interesting skills or abilities to aid in adventuring.
Martial Legacies
To adopt this heroic legacy, a character must be exposed to some form of planar taint, dark occult science, cursed artifact, or similar malady. Somehow they have managed to master their condition, molding it to their benefit and gaining the ability to shapeshift into a unique form as a bonus action. This form can look like anything the character wishes, male or female, hideous or fair, but it must appear at least quasi-monstrous and have claws. Once chosen, the alternate form remains fixed. While in this form, the character gains the following benefits:
Enhanced. +3 points distributed among physical statistics
Terrifying. +4 intimidation
Claws. Unarmed attacks deal a graduating die of slashing damage, and the character can make one unarmed attack as a bonus action.
Toxicity. If the character is bitten or a creature consumes their blood, the attacker suffers a graduating die of poison or psychic damage (player's choice). This poison denatures within 1 round of leaving the character's body.
Chemistry. Immunity to poison.
To adopt this heroic legacy, a character must be heavily devoted to swordsmanship and have spent many years practicing diligently. To utilize the powers of this legacy, a character must wield a sword of some sort.
Whirlwind. The blademaster can make one melee attack against every opponent within reach as an action. If the character gets multiple attacks per round using the attack action, this ability replaces those attacks.
Compositions. If the blademaster strikes a single target more than once in a combat round, the target takes an extra graduating die of slashing damage. No creature can suffer this extra damage more than once per round, even if it is hit more than twice.
Guarding. If the blademaster uses PROF for defense instead of armor, they gain an additional +2 bonus to defense.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must have the cavalry combat style and spend many years practicing diligently as part of a cavalry squadron or similar warrior order. The abilities of this legacy are meant to validate mounted combat by minimizing the dangers of mount loss. To utilize the powers of this legacy a character must be mounted.
Unity. While mounted, the chevalier gains 50% of their maximum health pool as bonus health. This pool refreshes after each full rest, and it cannot be restored or refreshed any other way. The chevalier and steed count as a single large creature using the character's health pool. As long as the character remains mounted, their steed does not die unless or until they do.
Gallop. Mounted speed increases by 10, and the chevalier can dash as a bonus action.
Control. The chevalier’s mount has perfect morale, will obey any order, and the rider can redirect spells and effects targeting their mount to themselves instead. The chevalier can also order their mount to make a melee attack as a bonus action. The purpose of this ability is to ensure that the chevalier cannot be deprived of their steed as long as they remain mounted, because at high level it is much easier to kill a mount than a character. If a player is deprived of their mount, this legacy is invalidated.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must successfully meet, befriend, and persuade a draconid of suitable size to serve them as a mount. Any draconid that qualifies as a kaiju will automatically refuse such a request. After training, a magical bond forms between rider and mount, imparting special abilities on the character so long as the mount lives. A dragonrider cannot have more than one bonded mount at a time.
Feather. The dragonrider never suffers falling damage. Their momentum diffuses just before impact, and they always land safely.
Wyrmkin. The dragonrider can communicate with all draconids, and most such creatures are neutral toward the character unless antagonized.
Immunity. The dragonrider is immune to one form of damage their bonded mount is resistant or immune to.
Fearless. The dragonrider has perfect morale and cannot be influenced by supernatural fear effects, regardless of their source.
Infusion. The dragonrider deals an extra 1d6 damage with all spells and attacks. This damage is of the same type the dragonrider is immune to.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must be proficient in heavy armor and have a might score of at least 20. The dreadnought is a warrior specialized in unapologetic brute force. To utilize most of the powers of this legacy a character must be wearing heavy armor.
Bastion. The dreadnought is immune to critical hits and cannot be knocked prone or forcibly moved by any creature less than three size categories larger as long as they are conscious.
Mighty. +2 might and endurance.
Crusher. Once per round when striking an opponent in melee, the dreadnought can deal an extra graduating die of crushing damage. If the dreadnought rolls a natural 20 on a melee attack against a creature no more than one size category larger, the target is knocked prone.
Charger. +10 charging speed. Polearms cannot be braced against a charging dreadnought.
Unbreakable. Unless it would be made higher by other sources, the dreadnought's soak score is never less than their PROF, regardless of armor.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must be proficient with martial weapons and have mastered at least four fighting styles. They must also have died heroically in battle and been chosen by a suitable deity for elevation to immortality. Most are exceptional warriors gifted with longevity and the spark of divine power so they will be healthy and available to fight in some anticipated or prophesied conflict. Those who serve evil deities often win their immortality by causing great destruction in their patrons name.
Champion. The einherjar adds 4 points to their statistics, distributed however they wish. These points can push a statistic beyond 20.
Immunity. The einherjar is immune to one form of damage associated with their deity.
Eternal. All einherjar stop physically deteriorating right at the cusp of middle age, when their bodies are still strong but they have finally attained the dignified veneer of senior warriors.
Nemesis. As a bonus action, the Einherjar can mark one creature within 60 feet as their nemesis by calling out a challenge. This mark lasts until the target flees, is killed, is damaged by another creature, is rendered incapable of reaching the Einherjar, or the Einherjar marks a new target. While this mark lasts, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls against all creatures other than the Einherjar.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must have the nature and deception skills, martial weapon proficiency, and obtain the blessing of an archfey. A feyknight is blessed with the mental and physical vitality of the faerie realm, gaining supernatural abilities and a larger-than-life personality to match.
Beguiling. A feyknight has advantage on saves against charm and fear effects. As a reaction, the feyknight can switch the target of one such effect made within line of sight to a new creature. If the new target fails its save it is frightened of or charmed by the feyknight for 1 minute. The target can attempt a new save every round on its turn to shake the effect.
Charming. A feyknight gains +2 to subterfuge, perform, and diplomacy.
Dreadful. A feyknight deals +2 psychic damage with melee and missile attacks.
Fleeting. A feyknight can cast blink once per minute as a bonus action.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must have proficiency in carving or sculpting tools, the arcana skill, and martial weapon proficiency. Runeknights learn the ancient Titan arts of size alteration and carving glyphs onto personal equipment to enhance combat prowess.
Titans Might. The runeknight can grow large as a bonus action: doubling dimensions, increasing weight by a factor of eight, and melee attacks deal an extra weapon die of damage.
Runeward. When the runeknight sees another creature within 60 feet hit by an attack, they can use a reaction to force the attacker to reroll the d20 and use the new roll.
Elemental Rune. During an interlude or full rest, the runeknight can choose to gain the power of one rune from the following list.
*Cloud. Lightning resistance. Advantage to subterfuge and +2 lightning damage on weapon attacks.
*Fire. Fire resistance. Advantage to intimidate and +2 fire damage on weapon attacks.
*Frost. Cold resistance. Advantage to athletics and +2 cold damage on weapon attacks.
*Stone. Acid resistance. Advantage to empathy and +2 acid damage on weapon attacks.
*Storm. Thunder resistance. Advantage to arcana and +2 thunder damage on weapon attacks.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must be heavily devoted to marksmanship and have spent many years practicing diligently. To utilize the powers of this legacy a character must also be wielding a weapon with the missile trait.
Deadeye. The sharpshooter deals +2 damage with weapons that have the missile trait.
Volley. In any round where a sharpshooter uses the attack action to exclusively fire missiles, they may use a bonus action to fire two more missiles. If this attack is used, every missile the character fires that round must target a separate opponent.
Trickshot. A sharpshooter has advantage on attack rolls to make trick shots. To qualify as a trick shot the attack must be flashy and cannot deal direct damage.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must have studied under a necromancer, vampire, succubus, or similar being capable of stealing life force. They must also have benefited from some form of longevity-extending magic at least once. Please note that while stealing life energy from dangerous opponents in the context of a justified battle is not an evil act, preying on innocents to prolong one's life is.
Vampiric. When a stormbringer lands a critical hit they recover 1 level of exhaustion (if any) and regain lost health equal to half of the damage dealt.
Dim Mak. A stormbringers touch deals a graduating die of necrotic damage to creatures or objects if desired. If this power is used in combat it is considered a proficient unarmed attack, and benefits from might or agility normally.
Doomward. Stormbringers are resistant to necrotic damage and always succeed on saves against necromancy effects.
Longevity. Stormbringers can prolong their lives with stolen life force. The exact amount of life force required to arrest this aging is up to the narrator.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must first be inducted into a paramilitary order dedicated to the destruction of fiends, undead, and evil fey. During their induction, the hopeful consumes an elixir of mixed fiend, vampire, and fey blood. Those of insufficient mettle (level) die, while those who survive gain the power to sense the presence of such monsters.
Detection. The sunwarden automatically senses when a fiend, undead, or fey creature comes within twenty feet. This sense does not pinpoint the location. If the sunwarden is ambushed by such creatures, they can always act during the surprise round.
Sanctified. The sunwarden has advantage on all saving throws against spells and magical effects originating from fiends, undead, or fey. If the sunwarden is disabled or charmed by such an effect, they can use an action to end it.
Lightbane. The sunwarden can convert any sort of damage they might deal with melee, missile, or spell attacks into radiant damage instead. When using a weapon with the missile property a sunwarden can fire bolts of light that deal radiant damage instead of using ammunition.
Nightslayer. When attacking fiends, undead, or fey the sunwarden scores a critical hit on a natural 19 or 20.
To adopt this heroic legacy the character must first acquire the favor of a relevant animal spirit, be cured of lycanthropy, or something similar. They must then acquire a set of mystic tattoos, animal hides, or an amulet to embody their shapeshifting powers. Werekin pick a totem animal and develop the ability to assume the shape of that animal, an ogre-like hybrid form, or revert to their natural form as a free action. Any equipment they are wearing or carrying alters form to fit their new shape (where applicable) or merges into their body and cannot be accessed until they revert to a suitable form. These forms have the following traits.
Claws/Teeth. Unarmed attacks deal 1d12 slashing, piercing, or crushing damage.
Frenzy. Make one unarmed attack as a bonus action.
Hulking. Size large. If the animal's natural form is not large, this trait applies only in hybrid form.
Scent. The scent ability.
Brute. Advantage on might-based skill checks and tripled jumping distance.
Regenerate. Regain 6 health per hour.
Mystic Legacies
To adopt this heroic legacy, a character must be proficient in occult and theology, speak two outer planar languages, and be able to cast 5th-level spells. Banishers are mystics who specialize in fighting extraplanar creatures that intrude on the mortal realm.
Blinding. Banishers radiate a psychic light in combat only extraplanar creatures can see. Any creature not native to the prime coming within 10 feet of a hostile Banisher must make a Will save on its turn or be blinded that round.
Excision. If a creature rolls a natural 1 on a save against a spell the banisher casts, it suffers the effects of the clarion spell AND is banished back to its home plane (if applicable).
Power. Gain apotropaism, banishment, and alluvion as bonus spells.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must be capable of casting arcane spells and have the opportunity to train in an elite military program with other battlemages. To utilize the powers of this legacy a character must be wielding an enchanted weapon as an arcane tool for casting spells. Battlemages are masters of applying magic to military endeavors, both as artillery and in a support role.
Martial. Proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons. Magical versions of these items do not contribute to the battlemage's encumbrance and their effective weight becomes zero while equipped.
Lifelink. The battlemage can deduct up to half of any damage they receive from their spell points instead of their health. This ability cannot be used to absorb poison or psychic damage.
Destructive. The battlemage adds a graduating die to the damage of any spell they cast. If the spell damage is based on Arete and already uses PROF to calculate damage, the PROF bonus is doubled for that spell.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must have at least three intellect-based skills, speak at least three languages, and be able to cast 5th level spells. They must also have gained access to a major repository of supernatural and mundane lore such as a venerable sage, an ancient magical library, or similar.
Secrets. During a full rest, a loremaster can prepare 1 spell of any level they can cast. This spell is in addition to their normal allotment of prepared or available spells, and it may be drawn from any list (arcane, divine, or primal).
Trivia. The loremaster gains +2 to all intellect-based skills. They can also attempt to roll intellect-based skills untrained.
Cram. Once per month, a loremaster with access to a proficient and willing tutor can embark upon a montage of intense study lasting one full day. At the end of this time the loremaster gains proficiency in this skill. Every time this ability is used to learn a new skill the loremaster loses proficiency in the previous one.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must be female, good-aligned, and capable of casting primal spells. Swanmays are demi-angelic beings that can transform into birds at will, forming elite sororities that fly vast distances to spy on evil and support the cause of good. Despite their name, a swanmay may assume the form of almost any bird. Swanmays must carry a special token decorated with three swan feathers to retain their powers. If a swanmay ever loses this token, she can create a new one by performing a day-long ritual on holy ground.
Wildshape. A swanmay can shapeshift into a bird ranging from size tiny to large as a bonus action. If tiny (finch, crow, etc.), she has advantage on stealth rolls. If large (giant owl or eagle, etc.) she can carry up to two medium or small creatures in her talons while flying. A swanmay in animal form can regain her humanoid shape in the blink of an eye without using any sort of action, even if it is not her turn.
Hawkeyes. Swanmays enjoy the sight of an eagle and the hearing of an owl. They gain +4 alertness and enjoy advantage on perception checks regardless of form. When using missile weapons, swanmays do not incur penalties for long-range.
Purity. Swanmays are immune to poison.
Magic. Swanmays can prepare an additional 3 primal spells of any level they can cast.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must be a spell caster with training in arcana, nature, and theology. Theurges are mystics who study the metaphysics of the universe, attempting to blur and overcome the lines between differing fields of magic. Sorcerers cannot take this heroic legacy because their souls already bridge the gulf between all fields of magic.
Diversity. Theurges can prepare PROF spells of 6th level or less from any spell list. These spells must be of a level the can cast.
Retention. +3 maximum number of prepared spells.
Lore. +2 to arcana, nature, and theology.
To adopt this heroic legacy, a character must have the occult skill, the ability to cast 5th-level spells, and have survived a close encounter with shadow magic that leaves a spiritual impression on them.
Nightwalk. When casting a spell of 1st level or higher, the umbralist can use a reaction to cast blink, teleporting to a nearby spot with dim lighting or less.
Shade. While in areas of darkness or dim light, the umbralist gains advantage on saves against spells, heals 6 health per hour, and regenerates lost limbs during a full rest. In normal or bright areas these abilities do not function, and the umbralist cannot heal naturally.
Power. Gain obtenebration, trapdoor, and blight as bonus spells.
To adopt this heroic legacy, a character must receive an infusion of blood, magic, or spiritual essence from a true dragon donor, learn the draconic language, and be capable of casting 5th or higher level spells.
Claws. Unarmed attacks deal a graduating die of slashing damage, and the character can make one unarmed attack as a bonus action.
Immunity. The dragonrider is immune to one form of elemental damage.
Infusion. The dragonrider deals an extra 1d6 elemental damage of one type with spells. They can substitute this element for the damage type of any spell they cast. This damage is of the same sort the dragonrider is immune to.
Power. Cast drakefire for free once per minute at 1st level.
Scales. Patches of scaly magic-infused skin grant +1 defense, soak, and saves.
Utility Legacies
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must first gain proficiency in the medicine skill and alchemist tools. The alchemist has mastered the pseudo-magical science of coaxing energy from raw materials to create explosives, medicines, and drugs. To fully utilize this legacy a character must own a set of alchemist tools and a belt or satchel for holding the items they produce. An alchemist in safe surroundings can create 1 item during an interlude or 2 items during a full rest. The price of materials is determined by the narrator, but they should be scavengeable by someone with the liberty to travel freely over 1 week. The alchemist cannot have more creations prepared than their PROF+1. If the alchemist attempts to produce more items than this, the oldest item is denatured. The save difficulty for all alchemist items is PROF+13. Alchemical solutions can be left behind or given to other creatures, but the cap on “active” items remains the same. If the alchemist creates a new item that exceeds their max, the oldest item denatures regardless of where it is.
Bombs. This small vial explodes when shattered, dealing PROF d8’s of fire, acid, radiant, or force damage in a 15-foot radius. Creatures within this area can make a reflex save for half damage. The bomb can be used as a grenade weapon or rigged as a trap to shatter if desired.
Drugs. Several drops of this solution must be consumed to take effect. The drug may cause sleep or paralysis for 1d6 hours, remove 2 levels of exhaustion, grant advantage on skill checks and saves involving 1 statistic for 1 hour, or reduce madness by 1 level. Additional drugs may exist that cause other effects at the narrator’s discretion (hallucination, numbness, etc.) A successful fortitude save against an undesirable effect leaves the victim nauseous and disoriented, with 1 level of exhaustion.
Medicine. This small vial of all-purpose panacea must be poured onto an exposed injury or consumed to take effect. It heals PROF d12’s of health and fully cleanses the user of poison, disease, parasites, radiation, and supernatural taint.
Poisons. A single application of this toxin deals PROF d10’s of poison damage. It can be ingested, injected, or applied topically as the alchemist chooses. A fortitude save can be made for half damage.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must possess the arcana skill and have made a serious study of mystical portals and planar travel. Many gatecrashers are explorers, master thieves, or planar wanderers who crave the freedom to travel.
Anchored. The gatecrasher cannot be dimensionally moved against their will while conscious. All portals, spells, or related effects simply fail. If the effect would move an entire area the gatecrasher happens to be in, the entire effect fails.
Warpsense. With a full minute of study the gatecrasher can determine the destination of any portal within 60 feet, gaining a clear mental image of what lies on the other side as though they had just emerged there. The gatecrasher can also sense if something has dimensionally moved to or from a location within the last 48 hours, both the point of origin and the destination. If the travel was to another plane of existence, the gatecrasher also learns which plane.
Portals. Once per full rest the gatecrasher can create a 6’ diameter glowing magic portal at their current location after 1 full minute of uninterrupted effort. They can never have more than 3 such portals at a time, and all must be no closer than 1 mile apart. The gatecrasher can connect any two portals they have made as a full round action, allowing travel between them. Every portal is blocked by a thin sheen of translucent oily light, allowing onlookers to see the other side. Only creatures and carried objects of suitable dimension can pass through these portals, and the environmental conditions on each side do not bleed over. That means it is not possible to open a portal under the ocean and go around flooding cities, or beyond the atmosphere to suck people into outer space. You know who you are. Any effect that can dispel magic will automatically destroy such a portal if used exclusively for that purpose.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must have the stealth, subterfuge, and acrobat skills. The character must also have the backstab ability and gain the mentorship of a nightsworn master or a powerful entity from the shadowland. The nightsworn are masters of stealth and espionage; elusive agents with the power to move through shadows and strike unseen.
Shade Step. A nightsworn can step into dim light or darkness and teleport up to 60 feet to another location with similar lighting as a bonus action. To use this ability the character must see or have previously seen the target location. The first attack made on the same round after using this ability has advantage. This power can be used once per minute and does not work if more than one creature is viewing the character. If desired the nightsworn can bring one willing creature along, but the passenger must have their eyes closed or be blinded.
Shade Sight. A nightsworn has darksight with unlimited range. They can see in any darkness, including magical darkness, as well as a normal person on a clear day with good lighting.
Shadow Puppet. In areas of dim light, a nightsworn can detach their shadow and command it to travel up to 100 feet from their body. This shadow is incorporeal and has advantage on stealth. The nightsworn can speak and sense things through the shadow as though they were physically present. While remotely controlling their shadow, a nightsworn cannot move and is unaware of their surroundings. Magical damage will destroy the shadow immediately, and the nightsworn cannot create a new one until they have finished an interlude or full rest.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must survive incapacitation by the attack of an incorporeal undead creature, help a ghost resolve its fetters and find transcendence, and gain the patronage of one or more undead spirits. Phantoms typically begin as investigators caught up in dark supernatural events, though certain secret cults make a practice of training and helping worthy individuals meet the requirements.
Incorporeal. A phantom can move through creatures and objects (including walls) as if they were difficult terrain. Any round the phantom uses this ability they are immune to non-magical damage and cannot attack, cast spells, or interact with objects. If the phantom ends a turn inside a physical object they take 1d10 force damage.
Belonging. Unintelligent undead ignore the phantom unless attacked first. Smarter undead are generally neutral and inclined to speak to the character unless they have a personal vendetta against them.
Medium. A phantom can cast seance as a ritual lasting 10 minutes. This is psychically taxing, and doing so imposes 1 level of exhaustion.
Channel. A phantom can voluntarily allow a spirit to remotely possess their body for up to 1 hour. This ability works at any range, but the phantom must have struck a pact with the spirit and it must be willing. The phantom remains aware of what the spirit does in their body and can regain control at any time as a reaction. This ability recharges every full rest. A phantom cannot be possessed by any force against their will.
Ethersight. A phantom can look into the border ethereal plane at will, and see incorporeal spirits and entities. A phantom can also see invisible creatures.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must have the medicine skill and the opportunity to study with a master of the healing arts. Physicians are mystics devoted to healing and restoring health to those under their care. While many adventurers develop some skill in medicine or healing magic, the physician takes this to a much higher level.
Doctor. +4 medicine. The physician can provide the benefits of full medical care to patients even if they are adventuring.
Immunized. The physician is resistant to poison and disease.
Peaceable. When combat begins the physician gains advantage on all saves, and attacks against them suffer disadvantage. This benefit persists so long as the physician takes no violent actions and makes a good-faith attempt to avoid combat.
Restorative. All healing effects used by or on the physician restore an additional graduating die of health. If a healing effect targets multiple creatures, they all gain this benefit.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must psychically engage with an oracle or some other source of precognition. Those who succeed retain a small measure of this otherworldly awareness, learning to call upon it through concentration and extreme effort.
Portent. After each full rest, the prophet rolls two d20s and records the numbers rolled. They can then replace any attack, save, or skill check made by a creature they can see (including themselves) with one of these rolls. They must choose to do this before the roll is made, and can replace a roll this way only once per turn. Unused portent rolls are lost after each full rest, at which point two new rolls are made.
Visions. Once per full rest, the prophet can petition the narrator for a vision of their potential future. This vision shows the prophet doing something important within the next month, but once the vision is received the player may use it to inform their decisions so it is no longer guaranteed to come to pass. Visions of violence, or the character's potential death, tend to take precedence.
To adopt this heroic legacy a character must first have proficiency with tattooing tools and the arcana skill. A tattooist uses ritual techniques to transform their possessions into tattoos on their body, which can be called forth and used at will. These tattoos also provide a measure of arcane protection, bolstering a character’s resistance to attack.
Arsenal. The character has a stylized tattoo depicting a +2 weapon they can manifest at will without an action. This weapon deals a graduating die of damage and the tattooist is proficient with it. If the tattooist does not already have the extra attack ability, they are considered to have it when wielding this weapon. If the weapon has the throwing trait, it reappears in the tattooist's hand after impact. If it has the missile trait, it can create its own ammunition.
Trove. The character can keep PROF+2 pieces of equipment as tattoos on their body, each weighing up to 50 lbs. If any of these items require magical attunement, they must first be attuned. Tattooed items can be manifested or converted into tattoos as a bonus action. While in tattoo form they have no weight. Tattoos of armor or clothing cannot manifest if the character is already wearing such items, although multiple suits of tattoo armor or clothing can be kept this way and traded out as a bonus action if desired. If the character dies their tattoos vanish, and all stored items slowly fade into view on the ground within 10 feet of the corpse.
Wards. The tattoos on the character's body provide a +1 bonus to defense, soak, and saves.