Greyscale Sword & Sorcery
Corposant (1 action, necromancy)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You hurl a mass of spiritual energy at a single creature or object as a ranged Arete attack. The target takes 1d6+Arete radiant or necrotic damage.
Guidance (1 action, divination)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute
You grant one willing creature a moment of divine inspiration which manifests as a +2 bonus to a single skill check or saving throw within the next minute. You can only have one instance of this spell active at a time.
Light (1 action, illusion)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You imbue one object of up to size medium with the radiance of your chosen color for the duration. It sheds bright light to a radius of 20 feet and dim light an additional 20 feet. Covering the source of light with an opaque material blocks it. You can only have three instances of this spell active at a time.
Mending (1 action, transmutation)
Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration
You mend a single break or tear in an object. The tear or break can be up to 1 foot long, and repeated castings can fix larger breaks at the rate of 1 foot per minute. Prolonged channeling of this spell functions similarly to a welding torch that operates without heat.
Scythe (1 action, evocation)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You briefly manifest a sweeping weapon of ghostly ectoplasm to make a melee Arete attack against a creature or object within 15 feet. The target takes 1d8+Arete slashing, piercing, or crushing damage. You may choose what the weapon looks like.
Thaumaturgy (1 action, special)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You create one of several different supernatural effects for the duration. You can cause your eyes to glow and magnify your voice up to triple its normal volume. You can open or close an unlocked portal or container. You can create a candle-sized flame of your chosen color. You can clean or soil a single creature or object no larger than size medium. Finally, you can create a brief gust of air or cause a sudden sound to emanate from a point within range.
Triage (1 bonus action, necromancy)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You restore a single incapacitated and dying creature within range to 1 health point.
Apotropaism (1 action, abjuration, 1st)
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 minutes
Also known as the Old Ward, this simple spell offers powerful protection from otherworldly forces. The recipient cannot be physically touched or directly harmed by celestials, fiends, spirits, undead, or fey unless they first take violent action against the creature in question during the spell's duration. In this case direct harm means any action involving an attack roll, saving throw, or the intentional dealing of damage. The recipient also gains immunity to spiritual possession and all mind-influencing effects created by such entities. Upcasting this spell extends the duration by 10 minutes for every spell level above 1st.
Aurasight (1 action, divination, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
This spell analyzes the spiritual aura of a creature, object, or place within 30 feet. Doing so takes 1 full round of uninterrupted scrutiny. It reveals the presence of powerful (supernatural) alignments and magical enchantments. For example, a cleric using aura sight to study an incubus disguised as a mortal would recognize the evil magical aura of a fiend. This spell can also be used to sense magical items, illusions, and mystical traps, but not their specific nature or what they do.
Bane (1 action, enchantment, 1st)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
This curse inflicts bad luck on up to three creatures within range. For the duration of the spell, these creatures suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. There is no save against this spell. Upcasting this spell increases the allowable number of targets affected by 1 for every spell level above 1st.
Bless (1 action, enchantment, 1st)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
This blessing improves the luck of up to three willing creatures within range. For the duration of the spell, these creatures gain a +2 bonus on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. Upcasting this spell increases the allowable number of targets by 1 for every spell level above 1st.
Ceremony (10 minutes, special, 1st)
Range: Touch
Duration: variable
This spell represents a list of important spiritual and social rituals. The rite of confirmation allows a willing creature to adopt a divine patron, allowing that deity to claim their soul after death with no chance of error. The rite of marriage allows two willing creatures who genuinely love one another to form a spiritual bond with subtle thematic benefits. The rite of blessed water allows a cleric to infuse divine energy into a ritually prepared water basin, creating holy water. The rite of the departed soothes unquiet spirits and has a chance of laying non-hostile undead to rest. The rite of naming allows a parent to endow their child with a true name at birth. Other rites may exist as well, depending on the casters culture and religious beliefs.
Command (1 action, enchantment, will, 1st)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 round
This spell allows the caster to speak a one-word command at one target. On a failed save the target obeys the command for one round, using its next action to comply to the best of its ability. Commands involving self-harm are never obeyed, and the target must understand the command to obey it. This spell is extremely powerful if used creatively.
Courage (1 action, enchantment, 1st)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 hour
This blessing improves the morale of up to three willing recipients in a 10-foot radius. The recipients are immune to supernatural fear and do not need to make morale checks for the spell’s duration, though they may consciously decide to flee or surrender if doing so is in their best interests. Upcasting this spell increases the number of targets by 1 for every spell level above 1st.
Diagnosis (1 action, divination, 1st)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
This divination allows the cleric to touch a creature and determine the exact nature of any ailments it suffers from. This includes poison, disease, injury, curses, parasites, and possession.
Harm (1 action, necromancy, 1st)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
This spell causes destructive divine magic to emanate from the hands or eyes, lashing out at a single target up to 10’ away as an Arete attack roll. If the attack hits, the target takes 3d10 necrotic or radiant damage (caster choice). Upcasting this spell deals an additional d10 damage for every spell level above 1st.
Heal (1 action, necromancy, 1st)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
This spell causes healing light to emanate from the hands or eyes, touching a single target up to 10’ away. The target then regains d10+Arete health. Upcasting this spell restores an additional d10 health OR targets an additional creature for every spell level above 1st. Upcasting this spell to 5th level restores 5d10+Arete health to any number of creatures you choose within 30 feet. This is the baseline healing spell most zealots use to mend injuries.
Preservation (1 action, transmutation, 1st)
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 days
This spell wards organic matter from natural rot, decomposition, or infestation for 10 days. It can be used to preserve dead bodies, protect food from spoilage, and similar for a period of 10 days. It does not restore organic material that has already rotted or spoiled, though it does prevent further decay. Corpses warded by this spell cannot be transformed into undead creatures for the duration.
Sanctuary (1 action, abjuration, will, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
This blessing wards the caster from harm as long as they take no hostile action against others. Any creature wishing to attack the caster must make a will save. Failure means the attacker is unable to take direct hostile action against the caster. This spell does not prohibit the use of damaging effects that would include the caster and other targets in the same area. This spell ends if the caster takes any hostile action, defined as any action that deals damage or forces an unwilling creature to make a saving throw against an effect other than this spell.
Sanitize (1 minute, transmutation, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
This spell purges rotten organic matter such as dung, blood, sewage, rotting vegetation, dead flesh, and similar filth within 20 feet of the caster by transmuting all such materials into dust or pure water. It has no effect on bone. Oozes, molds, slimes, and fungal monsters within this area take 3d10 radiant or necrotic damage (casters choice), or half as much on a successful fortitude save. In an environment where such contaminants are mixed with healthy organic matter, only rot is purged.
Smite (1 bonus action, evocation, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
The next time you strike a creature with a weapon attack before this spell ends, the weapon glows with divine power. The attack deals an additional 2d6 radiant or necrotic damage. Upcasting this spell increases the damage by 1d6 for every level above 1st.
Torrent (1 action, conjuration, 1st)
Range: variable
Duration: instant
This spell can have two effects. First, it allows the caster to pour 10 gallons of fresh water from their cupped hands at the rate of 1 gallon per round. Second, it can conjure a violent rainstorm in a 30’ radius lasting 1 minute. Creatures caught in the area of effect are drenched in water and suffer disadvantage on missile attacks while the storm lasts. Fires in the area are extinguished. Upcasting this spell produces 10 additional gallons of water OR causes the rainstorm to last an additional minute for every spell level above 1st.
Withdraw (1 bonus action, divination, 1st)
Range: self
Duration: 1 minute
You grant yourself preternatural swiftness and an innate sense of avoidance. You gain +20 speed and do not provoke attacks of opportunity for the duration.
Aid (1 action, necromancy, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 8 hours
This blessing grants 10 temporary hit points to up to three willing creatures for the spell's duration. Upcasting this spell grants an additional 5 temporary hit points for every spell level above 2nd.
Anathema (1 bonus action, conjuration, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
This spell creates a floating spectral force in front of you. The spectral force remains for the duration, or until you cast this spell again. Every round on your turn you can use a bonus action to cause the manifestation to fly up to 30 feet and make a single Arete attack roll. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 1d10 plus your Arete. The force can take whatever form you choose: a weapon, a spirit, glowing teeth, a mass of light, etc. This is the baseline combat spell most zelaots use to manifest spiritual forces to attack their foes.
Antivenom (1 action, abjuration, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
This blessing cures the poisoned condition and grants ongoing resistance to poison for the spell’s duration. Upcasting this spell with a 5th-level spell slot grants poison immunity instead of resistance.
Augury (10 minutes, divination, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
This divination petitions one powerful and helpful otherworldly sentience for advice about a course of action you plan to take within the next hour. The entity will tell you whether this action is likely to bring weal, woe, both, or neither. It does not consider last-second changes made after the divination that may alter the outcome. You cannot cast this spell more than once every 24 hours.
Beckon (1 action, illusion, 2nd)
Range: 10 miles
Duration: 12 hours
You cause a mote of light to appear before one willing creature in range. The mote shows this creature what direction you are in, radiates light like a torch, and follows you as you travel. The mote does not alter its behavior based upon topography, nor does it help the target find a safe route to you.
Darkness (1 action, conjuration, 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
This spell creates a zone of impenetrable darkness in a 15’ radius from a single point within 60 feet for the duration. The darkness spreads around corners. Nonmagical light cannot illuminate this darkness, and darkvision cannot see through it (though infravision can). If you cast this spell on an object you are holding the darkness moves with it. Completely covering the object with an opaque object blocks the darkness.
Dowsing (1 action, divination, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
This divination locates a specific object or material familiar to the caster within 1000 feet. If it is moving, you know the direction of the movement. Alternatively, you can locate the nearest example of a particular type of object, a hat, sword, ring, etc. This spell is blocked if the object sought is enclosed by lead of any thickness. Upcasting this spell with a 4th level spell slot allows you to detect a specific creature or the nearest creature of a specific type.
Enhancement (1 action, transmutation, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour (concentration)
This blessing enhances one of a willing creature's six core statistics. For the spell's duration the target gains advantage on skill checks and saving throws involving that statistic. The enhancement also grants certain additional benefits based on the statistic improved. Might doubles carrying capacity. Agility negates damage from falls less than 30 feet. Endurance grants 20 temporary bonus hit points. Intellect grants perfect recall of anything the target has experienced in the last 24 hours. Spirit grants advantage on initiative rolls and the ability to act during the surprise round. Charisma grants no additional benefit.
Malediction (1 action, enchantment, will, 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
This curse inflicts a sensory disability on the target for the duration. The caster can choose between three disabilities: blindness, deafness, and muteness. The penalties for these disabilities are listed elsewhere in this book. Upcasting this spell to 5th level makes it last an hour. Upcasting this spell to 8th level makes the effects indefinite until dispelled.
Panacea (1 action, necromancy, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You restore 10 health and cure a single target of all poisons, diseases, and ability drain. It also removes all levels of exhaustion. While this effect can be used to temporarily circumvent the need for rest, it does not confer the magic-restoring benefits of real sleep. This is the baseline curative spell zealots use for ailments other than physical wounds.
Paralysis (1 action, enchantment, will, 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
This spell causes one humanoid within range to become paralyzed. At the end of each combat round, it can attempt another save to break free. Upcasting this spell affects one additional humanoid for each spell level above 2nd. Upcasting this spell to 5th level allows you to target a non-humanoid creature.
Silence (1 action, evocation, 2nd)
Range: 120 feet
Duration: 10 minutes
This spell creates a 20’ radius zone of silence centered on a creature or object within range. Anything inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage and cannot make sound. Creatures in this area are deafened and cannot cast spells with a verbal component. If you cast this spell on an object you are holding the silence moves with it.
Status (1 minute, divination, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: 3 hours
This spell creates a spiritual link between the cleric and any number of willing creatures within 10 feet. For the spell's duration, the cleric knows the exact distance, direction, health, and emotional state of these creatures, regardless of physical barriers or distance. If a bonded creature enters an area that is occulted or warded against scrying, the spell ends for that creature.
Trapfinding (1 action, divination, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
This spell allows the caster to sense the presence of any trap within 120 feet that is within the current line of sight, though not the exact location or nature of the trap. A trap qualifies as anything manufactured with the intent to inflict sudden or unexpected harm. Thus, the spell would detect a mechanical trap or a warding glyph, but not an unstable ledge or an impending mudslide.
Truthsayer (1 action, divination, will, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
This curse creates a 10’ radius zone centered on the caster. All creatures in this zone cannot speak a deliberate lie within the spell's radius for the duration unless they first make a will save. It IS possible to mislead others by speaking half-truths or not technically lying, so the caster must be careful to phrase questions in such a way that this is difficult. The caster does not know if a creature saves against this spell. While this spell is in effect the caster cannot lie.
Undeath (10 minutes, necromancy, 2nd)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: special
You transform a number of nearby corpses into zombies or skeletons under your control. You can telepathically issue commands to these creatures while they are within 100 feet of you, and they obey without question. Animating a size large undead counts as three corpses, and animating a size huge undead counts as five. Creatures created by this spell serve their maker indefinitely, but the caster can only sustain control over a number of corpses equal to their caster level. If this limit is ever exceeded, the caster must immediately relinquish control of existing minions to conform to this threshold. Undead creatures released from this bondage become free-willed. Upcasting this spell to 5th level allows the creation of ghouls, wights, and crawling claws. Upcasting this spell to 7th level allows the creation of mummies and draugr. Upcasting this spell to 9th level allows the creation of banshees, heucuvas, dullahans and shades.
Adaptation (1 action, abjuration, 3rd)
Range: Self
Duration: 8 hours
This blessing endows up to 3 willing creatures within 10 feet the ability to survive and breathe comfortably in dangerous environments as though they were native to them. Such environments include (but are not limited to) the depths of the ocean, sweltering lava tunnels, or even the cold void of outer space.
Clairvoyance (1 action, divination, 3rd)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
This divination allows the caster to see and hear a remote location in their mind's eye while meditating for the duration of the spell. The location must already be known to the caster, and the spell creates a spectral eye-shaped sensor with a 360-degree field of vision. Only fixed locations can be viewed with this spell; it has no ability to locate specific creatures or objects unless they appear at the target location.
Cornucopia (1 action, conjuration, 3rd)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
This blessing creates 50 pounds of food and 50 gallons of potable water on the ground or in containers within reach of the caster. This food is sufficient to sustain twenty five medium sized humanoids for 24 hours. The food created by this spell is of moderate quality and consists of fruits, vegetables, bread, cheese, and similar. This spell cannot be used to create meat.
Curse (1 action, enchantment, will, 3rd)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
This curse can manifest differently depending on the level of the spell level used. The caster must declare the effects of the curse, the reason it was laid, and the conditions under which it will naturally end. If the effect, precedent, and termination clause of the curse are not appropriate or do not coincide with the caster’s ethos, the curse does not take effect (at the narrator's discretion). Suitable effects by spell level are found elsewhere in this book. Curses created by this spell end when their duration ends, their terms are met, or they are lifted by a Decurse spell cast using a spell slot one level higher than the one used to lay the curse. Because of this, 9th-level curses cannot simply be dispelled. Fate plays a significant role in the power of this spell. Petty curses are fairly simple to cast, but powerful curses with major debilitating effects must be thematically appropriate to succeed. Casters who use this spell too often or who levy powerful curses against others for petty or nonsensical reasons become plagued with bad luck. The general belief among mystics is that curses should be used sparingly and only in response to major crimes or momentous events, to avoid danger to themselves.
Daylight (1 action, evocation, 3rd)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You create a 40-foot radius sphere of bright light that emanates from a single point you designate within range. Upcasting this spell to 6th level causes the light to deal 1d8 radiant damage per round to undead creatures that enter or begin their round in it (no save). Upcasting this spell to 8th level causes the light to become true sunlight.
Decurse (1 minute, abjuration, 3rd)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You lift the effects of a single curse on the target. If the curse stems from a magical item, the object retains its properties, but the victim is freed from its magic. Lifting powerful curses requires a spell level one level higher than the spell used to cast it.
Dispel (1 action, abjuration, 3rd)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: instant
You negate a single magical effect within range. This can be a spell cast on a creature or object, an active spell manifestation, or similar. If the targeted magic is higher than the third level, you must make an Arete check equal to 8 plus the opposing caster Arete. If the effect being targeted is permanent or extremely well established, the difficulty is 13 plus the opposing casters Arete.
Glyphs (10 minutes, abjuration, variable half, 3rd)
Range: Touch
Duration: until discharged
You create a magical glyph on an immobile surface or closed container. The glyph releases a pre-cast spell effect when triggering conditions are met within 10 feet of the mark. You can choose whether this glyph is visible or invisible. If used as a magical trap, the difficulty of locating and disarming this glyph is 10, plus the caster Arete. If the spell placed in the glyph is concentration-based, the glyph is treated as maintaining concentration for the full duration. The triggering condition must be based on moral alignment or some physically witnessable phenomena such as appearance, actions, passwords, or similar. Casting this spell requires gem dust worth at least 250 silver, which the spell consumes.
Lifewell (1 action, necromancy, 3rd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
You summon a continuous stream of healing energy from your holy symbol for one minute. This energy can be directed into nearby willing creatures by touch every round. The health restored each round is equal to your Arete bonus, and you can change the recipient round by round if desired. Outside of combat this healing spell is extremely efficient and versatile.
Revivify (1 bonus action, necromancy, 3rd)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: instant
You restore life to the corpse of a creature killed within 1 hour. This window of opportunity increases to 1 day if the caster personally witnesses the target's death. The creature returns to life with 1 health. This spell cannot restore life to a creature that has died of natural causes. Casting this spell requires gem dust worth at least 250 silver, which the spell consumes.
Séance (1 minute, divination, 3rd)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
You reawaken the mind of a corpse or haunt within range, allowing it to posthumously speak and answer questions. The target speaks whatever languages it knew in life, and its answers are normally brief and cryptic. If the entity is malicious or regards you as an enemy in life, it can lie if it wishes. If used on a corpse, this spell only summons an echo of the original creature's spirit. Thus, it cannot learn new information or speculate on future events. If used on a haunt or incorporeal undead, it temporarily shocks the spirit into full awareness, allowing it to hold a conversation with the caster. Casting this spell requires possession of the target’s intact skull, without which it fails.
Sending (1 action, divination, 3rd)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You send a short telepathic message lasting 12 seconds or less to a creature you are familiar with. The recipient recognizes you if it knows you and can answer in a like manner immediately. Creatures with an intellect of at least 1 will understand the meaning of the message, even if they do not share a common language with you. This spell can reach any being in the cosmos with no chance of error, including those on other planes of existence.
Shrieving (1 action, enchantment, will half, 3rd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You spiritually attack the mind of one creature within range. The target takes 8d6 psychic damage. Upcasting this spell increases the damage by 1d6 per spell level above 3rd.
Tongues (1 action, divination, 3rd)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 3 hours
You grant all creatures in a 10 foot radius fluency in the languages of all creatures they attempt to communicate with for the duration. Recipients of this spell only gain knowledge of a language if the native speaker is within line of sight. If such a creature leaves line-of-sight the knowledge fades until contact is restored.
Anchoring (1 action, conjuration, will, 4th)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You attempt to curse one creature, barring it from dimensional movement for the duration of this spell. Examples of dimensional movement include such effects as blink, plane shift, teleport, trapdoor, succor, return, and similar. The target can make a will save with advantage to resist.
Banishment (1 action, abjuration, 4th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant or concentration up to 1 minute
You attempt to banish one creature within range to another plane of existence. If the target is native to the plane you are on it is banished to a gray featureless void for the duration or until you stop concentrating, after which it reappears in the spot where it vanished. If the target is native to a different plane than the one you are on it is banished back to its home plane instantly.
Contagion (1 action, transmutation, 4th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You touch a creature and attempt to inflict it with a terrible disease. The onset is immediate and the effects manifest within one round. The disease runs its course naturally and can be overcome with magic, successful fortitude saves, medicine, or similar. Sample diseases are found elsewhere in this book.
Corona (1 action, conjuration, fortitude half, 4th)
Range: self
Duration: concentration up to 10 minutes
You cloak yourself in an aura of destructive spiritual energy cosmetically appropriate to your mythos. This energy emanates from you out to a 15 foot radius. Creatures you choose are unaffected by this aura, but all other creatures entering or beginning their turn inside the aura take 2d10 radiant or necrotic damage. Upcasting this spell deals an additional 1d10 damage per spell level above 4th.
Deathward (1 action, necromancy, 4th)
Range: Touch
Duration: special
You touch a creature and bless it with protection from death. The next time it would be reduced to zero health or killed outright as a result of taking damage, the target takes no damage and the spell ends. While this spell remains active the target is immune to any effect which would permanently lower its maximum health, such as the touch of certain undead creatures.
Divination (1 minute, divination, 4th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You make mental contact with a powerful extraplanar entity through meditation. You may ask it a single question about a goal, event, or activity anticipated within the next 10 days. The spirit's reply manifests itself as a brief wordless burst of insight. Entities of this sort typically possess godlike intellect and divine awareness, so even if they possess no direct knowledge of the event in question their counsel is usually sound. You cannot cast this spell more than once every 72 hours. Casting this spell requires a sacrificial offering of a sort that the contacted entity would desire, which the spell consumes. The offering must be worth at least 100 silver, potentially more at the game master’s discretion.
Enrobe (1 action, conjuration, 4th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 24 hours
You gird one willing creature in a suit of magical armor for the spell’s duration. This armor weighs nothing and can look like whatever you want, including normal clothing. The target's defense becomes 20 (unless it would normally be higher) and it gains +2 on all saving throws against hostile magical effects. If the target is already wearing armor or clothing, these things vanish when the spell is cast and reappear when it ends.
Flamestrike (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 4th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: instant
You call down a jet of divine fire which originates high above the targeted area, affecting a cylinder 40 feet tall and 20 feet in diameter. All creatures in this area sustain 6d8 fire, radiant, or necrotic damage in whatever proportion you choose. Upcasting this spell deals an additional 1d8 damage per spell level above 4th.
Goetia (10 minutes, conjuration, will, 4th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: special
This spell comprises a variety of techniques for summoning, brokering, and binding otherworldly entities into service. To cast it you must first inscribe a summoning circle of the appropriate type onto a flat surface and cast this spell while standing within 10’ of it. The summoned entity must either be named by you, or you must clearly describe the exact type of being you wish to summon. If the entity is willing to appear it does so immediately. If it is unwilling, it can make a will save to resist this spell. If you know the entity's true name it has disadvantage on the save. Once the entity appears in the circle it is contained there, unable to leave or act until the negotiation is concluded or the perimeter of the circle is broken or covered. If the circle is ever broken or the entity is harmed or forced to make a saving throw, it can emerge and act freely. This negotiation typically goes one of four ways; the caster has a conversation with the entity and then releases it back to its native realm, the caster threatens or tortures the entity into agreeing to perform some service, the caster offers payment and bargains with the entity for service, or the caster negotiates a mutual trade of favors with the entity. Once a pact is struck, the entity (and caster) are both compelled to make a good-faith effort to fulfill the terms of the deal. If either party reneges, they immediately suffer the agreed-upon penalty (usually destruction). If the summoner acts in bad faith or attempts to subvert the spirit of the deal, fate punishes the caster by imposing disadvantage on all attack rolls, saves, and skill checks the caster makes for the next 10 days. Once the negotiations are finished or the terms of the pact are honored, the entity is free to return to its home plane. It is not obligated to do so unless returning to its home plane is included in the terms of the deal.
Hydromancy (1 action, transmutation, 4th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
You control any freestanding water in a 100’ radius. You can cause the water to rise by up to 20 feet, create a 20-foot tall wave that moves in a direction of your choice, part the water to create a trench where the separated water forms walls to either side, cause the water to flow in a direction of your choice (to the limits of the area), or create a whirlpool 50’ in diameter and 25’ deep which sucks in any creature or object in the water within 30’ of the edges and deals 2d10 crushing damage per round to any creature caught within it (athletics check against save difficulty to escape).
Lifeweb (1 minute, divination, 4th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 8 hours
You create a spiritual bond between yourself and up to three willing creatures within range. For the duration of this spell, you are aware of their health and location and can cast touch spells on them from up to 1 kilometer away, including healing spells. You also know whether the target creatures are conscious or alive.
Oathbind (10 minutes, enchantment, 4th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: special
You transact a pact between two free-willed creatures. The nature of this pact requires that payment or service be rendered by both parties, and the terms of the agreement can be as simple or as detailed as you wish. Once the pact is agreed to it is written and sealed in blood, and if either party reneges on the agreement they suffer whatever penalty was agreed to in the terms of the pact (usually destruction or a curse with no save).
Reaping (1 action, necromancy, fortitude half, 4th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You summon a wave of spiritual force that scythes through a 10’ radius centered on a point within range. Make one Arete attack roll against any number of creatures you choose within this area. A successful hit deals 4d8 radiant or necrotic damage. You can choose what this force looks like.
Sentinel (1 action, conjuration, 4th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 8 hours
You summon a spiritual force construct cosmetically appropriate to your mythos at a point within range. The spiritual force is medium size and attacks unauthorized creatures that intrude upon a 10 foot radius area it is assigned to protect. The construct has a reach of 10 feet and makes one attack a round, either as a reaction in response to a creature entering the warded area or on your initiative. If multiple targets are in this area you may choose which one the construct attacks, otherwise it chooses randomly. The construct attacks using your arete and deals 1d12 plus arete force damage.
Stoneshape (1 action, transmutation, 4th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
You touch a mass of stone up to 5x5x5’ in dimension and form it into any shape you wish. You can use this spell to create simple tools, furniture, openings in walls, and similar. You can also alter the stone surrounding a door to seal it shut or cause it to fall away from its frame. You cannot create stone objects involving anything more complex than a basic hinge or latch.
Unfettering (1 action, transmutation, 4th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
You grant one willing creature the power to ignore effects that would restrict its movement. This includes paralysis, manacles, rough terrain, swimming underwater, grappling, and similar. Any attempt to impede the target's normal movement speed automatically fails, as do effects that would unfavorably arrest the target's movement. The target may choose to be affected by such a spell however (such as with the feather spell while falling, for example).
Votive (10 minutes, necromancy, 4th)
Range: touch
Duration: special
You touch one willing creature and light a specially blessed torch or candle costing 50 silver worth of materials. This flame continues to burn indefinitely until either the magic is dispelled or the target dies. The flame is suppressed if submerged or smothered, but reappears if released. Adventurers use this spell to create torches that never go out. Organizations use it to know if people of interest are still alive.
Alluvion (1 action, conjuration, fortitude half, 5th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 1 round
You summon a brief storm of spectral rain in a 30’ radius, centered on a spot you indicate within range. All undead, fiends, spirits, and fey within this area suffer 2d10 radiant damage. Upcasting this spell deals an additional 1d10 damage per spell level above 4th.
Animation (1 action, conjuration, 5th)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 10 minutes
You bestow motive force upon one inanimate object of up to size large. This object must be freestanding, and it must fit inside a 10 foot radius. The object gains the statistics of an animated object its size, and it obeys your telepathic commands until it is destroyed or the spell ends. Objects of size small or less gain a fly speed of 10 mph. Some animated objects have special statistics based upon their form. Wagons move faster because they have wheels, swords deal weapon damage, etc. The storyteller has final say on what makes sense.
Communion (10 minutes, divination, 5th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
When you finish casting this spell the world appears to drain of color and time seems to stop. You then make mental contact with a powerful extraplanar entity and ask a total of five questions. The answers to these questions must be yes, no, likely, unlikely, or unknown. The entity possesses godlike intellect and divine awareness, so even if it has no direct knowledge of the matter in question its counsel is usually sound. You can bring up to five other creatures into the divination as witnesses if you like. Witnesses may telepathically speak to one another and can hear the entity's replies, but only you are able to address or ask direct questions of the entity. Because this communication takes place in a split second, none of the participants can move or take any actions apart from telepathic speech. You cannot cast this spell more than once every 72 hours. Casting this spell requires a sacrificial offering worth at least 250 silver, which the spell consumes.
Convalescence (1 hour, necromancy, 5th)
Range: Self
Duration: special
You meditate in the midst of a group of sleeping creatures to greatly enhance their recovery. Any number of creatures you choose who remain within 60 feet of you for the hour it takes to cast this spell regain all lost health and recover from any diseases and poisoning the next time they take a full rest.
Hallow (1 hour, abjuration, 5th)
Range: Self
Duration: indefinite
You perform a lengthy ritual to infuse an area with divine magic, making it sacred or profane. The area can have a radius of up to 100 feet. This spell has three effects. First, celestials, spirits, fey, fiends, and undead cannot enter the area. They also cannot charm, possess, or exert mental influence over creatures within it. You can exclude any or all of these types of creatures from these effects if you wish. Second, you can enchant the area with a special blessing that only affects creatures you designate. This blessing can take any one of the following forms: courage (as the spell), darkness (as the spell), daylight (as the spell), preservation (as the spell), sanitize (as the spell), fear (as the spell), silence (as the spell), tongues (as the spell). Third, interdicted creature types cannot use dimensional methods of travel to enter, leave, or move about within the area.
Legendry (10 minutes, divination, 5th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You briefly tap into the web of fate and access the underlying memory of the cosmos, bringing to mind a brief summary of significant lore about a person, place, or object you name. If the subject of your inquiry is not of legendary importance, nothing is revealed. The more you know about the subject already, the more detailed the information you receive is. While the information you gain is accurate, it is often veiled in symbolism and metaphor. You cannot use this spell to gain information on the same topic more than once per year. Casting this spell requires an offering worth at least 250 silver, which the spell consumes.
Locusts (1 action, conjuration, fortitude half, 5th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
You summon a cloud of spectral locusts in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within range. The cloud spreads around corners. The area becomes heavily obscured, and creatures that enter or begin their round within the cloud suffer 4d10 piercing damage per round. This spell deals double damage to vegetation (including crops) and plant based creatures.
Raising (1 minute, necromancy, 5th)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You return a corpse to life, provided it has been dead no longer than 1 year. This window of opportunity increases to 1 century if the caster personally witnessed the targets death. If the soul is willing and able to return, the creature returns to life with 1 hit point. This spell cures any poisoning or diseases that affected the corpse at the time it died, and it restores missing soft tissue (but not bone). Returning from death is traumatic. The target suffers disadvantage on all attacks, saves, and skill checks for 3 days after its return. This spell has no effect on creatures that have died of natural causes.
Resistance (1 action, abjuration, 5th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 minutes
You grant a single creature resistance to one form of damage for the duration.
Scrying (1 minute, divination, will, 5th)
Range: Self
Duration: concentration up to 1 hour
You use a reflective surface to remotely perceive a target creature somewhere on the same plane of existence for the duration of this spell. The target makes a reflexive subconscious will save to resist scrutiny. If successful the spell fails, and it becomes aware of the attempt. If the spell succeeds, you must roll your Arete against the target's alertness or it senses it is being watched. If the target knows you are casting this spell it can waive its saving throw if it wishes to be observed. If successful an invisible sensor appears within 10 feet of the target, moving with the creature for the spell’s duration. You can perceive the world through this sensor as though you were present.
Sunfire (1 action, conjuration, fortitude half, 5th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: instant
You conjure a blast of burning divine light in a 20-foot radius centered on a point in range. Creatures within this area suffer 4d10 fire or radiant damage in whatever proportion you wish. This spell deals no damage to terrain, natural flora, or inanimate objects if you do not wish it. The light summoned by this spell is true sunlight.
Truesight (1 action, divination, 5th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
You grant one willing creature the ability to see through supernatural illusions, invisibility, darkness, secret doors, and the true forms of shapeshifted, polymorphed, or transmuted creatures or objects out to the limits of your natural (unaugmented) sight. This spell does not negate concealment or expose things hidden by mundane means such as disguise, fog, normal secret doors, or similar.
Ambrosia (10 minutes, conjuration, 6th)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You conjure a sacred draught into a ritually prepared chalice, jug, or similar container. Up to ten creatures can consume this draught. Any creature doing so is cured of all disease and poison and regains health equal to 10 times your proficiency modifier. The drinker also gains immunity to fear, poison, disease, and makes all will saves with advantage for the next 24 hours. Casting this spell requires an offering worth 1000 silver, which the spell consumes.
Bladewall (1 action, conjuration, reflex half, 6th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
You summon a swirling wall of blades made of magical force. The wall can be up to 100 feet long and 20 feet high, or it can manifest as a ring up to 60 feet in diameter and 20 feet high. It provides heavy cover to creatures behind it. Any creature passing through the wall sustains 8d8 slashing damage with no save.
Destruction (1 action, evocation, fortitude half, 6th)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: instant
You cause one creature within range to immolate with divine fire, taking 8d10 radiant or necrotic damage (fortitude save for half). If this damage kills the target their body and all non-magical possessions they carry are completely reduced to ash. Creatures destroyed in this fashion can only be restored to life by magic that would recreate their entire body.
Geas (1 round, enchantment, 6th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 1 year
You command a single creature to perform a non-suicidal service or forbid it from some course of action. The creature must understand you and accept of its own free will (magical coercion causes the spell to fail). The creature must obey the word of your instructions (not the spirit) until its task is completed. Deviation will cause it to lose 1d6 points of endurance per day until it dies. If the deviation ceases and the creature returns to its task, the endurance loss stops. If this spell requires a task that is nonsensical or impossible, it ends. Upcasting this spell using a 7th level spell slot makes it last a decade. Upcasting this spell using an 8th-level spell slot makes it last a century. Upcasting this spell using a 9th-level spell slot makes it last indefinitely. A geas can only be lifted by a wish or a remove curse spell using a 9th-level slot.
Interdiction (1 hour, abjuration, 6th)
Range: Self
Duration: indefinite
This blessing is identical to the Hallow spell with three important differences. First, it can be used to ward away any type of creature the caster wishes. Second, instead of preventing warded creatures from entering the area this spell deals 5d10 radiant or necrotic damage the first time they enter or begin their turn there. Third, this spell can ward an area up to 50,000 square feet and 40 feet high against spells and powers involving location, remote viewing, and dimensional movement.
Pathfinder (1 minute, divination, 6th)
Range: Self
Duration: 8 hours (concentration)
You sense the shortest and most direct route to a location that you are familiar with on the same plane of existence. This knowledge includes distance and direction. The route you sense will be traversable by whatever normal means you possess, so if traveling by land it will adhere to paths and roads unless taking these would be more time consuming than the alternative.
Recall (1 bonus action, conjuration, 6th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You transport yourself and up to 8 other willing creatures to a location you have prepared ahead of time using a jewel worth at least 1000 silver (which the spell consumes) and one full day of ritual work. The transportation is safe and instantaneous. Substantially altering the foundations of the recall site (such as burning a building, collapsing a cavern, or similar) ruins this magic. The divine version of this spell can be used to return to a location treated with the Hallow spell.
Rejuvenate (1 action, necromancy, 6th)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: instant
You restore one creature to full health and cure it of all poisons and diseases. This spell also removes parasites, evicts possessing entities, regenerates soft tissue (not bone), restores petrified creatures to flesh, and ends any derangements caused by madness.
Sunbeam (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 6th)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
Each round for the duration of this spell you can unleash a 5 foot wide beam of sunlight out to a range of 120 feet. This beam is not temporary or recurring: it is a continuous laser-like ray of white energy that incinerates all in its path. Creatures and objects entering, passing through, or caught in the beam suffer 4d12 radiant damage. The beam cannot damage a creature more than once per round. Undead make this save with disadvantage. Flammable objects struck by this spell melt or ignite.
Windwalk (1 minute, transmutation, 6th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 12 hours
You and up to ten willing creatures become incorporeal and gain the power to fly at a speed of 30 miles an hour. While in this form you cannot interact with physical objects, and the only actions you can take are movement, speech, or ending the spell voluntarily. When the spell ends all participants become corporeal over 1 minute. After this spell ends the recipients also gain the benefits of the feather spell for 1 hour.
Clarion (1 action, conjuration, will half, 7th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You emit the glorious peal of a celestial or infernal bell, trumpet, horn, or other instrument. Choose any number of creatures within 30 feet. Each creature that can hear you sustains 7d8 thunder damage and is deafened for 1 minute. Each target must also make a fortitude save or be stunned for one round. Creatures not native to the surrounding plane must also make a will save or be banished back to their plane of origin.
Etherealness (1 action, transmutation, 7th)
Range: Self
Duration: 8 hours
You enter the border ethereal plane, which overlaps your plane of origin. This plane looks like a ghostly analog of the realm you just left. You can spy on your plane of origin out to a range of 60 feet, but everything appears bleached of color. While on the border ethereal, you gain a fly speed equal to your foot speed and can only be affected by other creatures on that plane or by certain special effects that extend into the ethereal (such as the gaze of a basilisk). You ignore objects and effects not on the ethereal plane, and can move through such things on your plane of origin (such as walls) by pushing through them. If the spell elapses and you reappear on your plane of origin in a space occupied by a solid object, you are shunted into the nearest available open space and take force damage equal to the number of feet you were displaced. Upcasting this spell allows you to take three additional creatures with you for every spell level above 7th.
Firestorm (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 7th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: instant
You summon a rainstorm in a 40-foot radius, centered on a point within range. The raindrops are motes of fire. Creatures within the area suffer 7d10 fire damage. This spell does not affect the landscape (trees, buildings, etc.) unless you wish it to.
Inception (1 action, conjuration, 7th)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: instant
Using words of creation first conceived by the gods at the dawn of the cosmos, you create one nonmagical item within range. This item can be up to size Huge and must have a value of 1000 silver or less. If the item requires significant skill to produce, you must have proficiency in the appropriate toolset to make it. Though permanent, objects created by this spell are magical constructs and will disappear if dispelled. Casting this spell requires a jewel worth at least 500 silver, which the spell consumes.
Planeshift (1 action, conjuration, 7th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
You transport yourself and any number of willing creatures within range to an alternate plane of your choice. You may specify a target destination if desired, but the storyteller selects exactly where you appear. Alternatively, you may appear at a recall circle you are attuned to on the target plane. If you do not choose a specific destination, the terms of this spell guarantee that you appear in a spot that is not immediately damaging or lethal. Random travel to innately dangerous planes incompatible with organic life (water, fire, void, etc.) has a 25% chance of delivering you to a spot on the target plane that is protected somehow, such as in the City of Brass on the plane of fire. Otherwise, the spell fails.
Reconstruct (10 minutes, transmutation, 7th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: special
You restore a destroyed building or manufactured structure to a state of wholeness over a span of 10 minutes. The structure must occupy a radius of 60 feet or less. If it is larger than this, the spell only restores the portion of the structure within the given radius. Broken furniture and manufactured objects of size medium or larger are also made whole. If materials from the structure have been removed beyond the spell's radius, they turn up missing from the structure after its restoration.
Regenerate (1 action, necromancy, 7th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
You endow a single creature with regenerative powers for the duration. Every round the target regains 1 health (10 health per minute). Lost body parts regenerate over a span of 10 minutes. If the target suffers damage from fire or acid it stops regenerating for 1 minute. The target dies only if it starts a round with 0 health AND does not regenerate.
Resurrection (10 minutes, necromancy, 7th)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You return a dead creature to life using a piece of its corpse as a focus, provided it has been dead no longer than 1 century. If the soul is willing and able to return, the creature returns to life at full health. This spell cures any ailments that affected the corpse at the time it died, and it restores the subject's body completely. You do not need the complete corpse to cast this spell; any piece of flesh or bone will suffice regardless of size. Returning from death is traumatic. The target suffers disadvantage on all attacks, saves, and skill checks for 3 days after its return. This spell has no effect on creatures that have died of natural causes.
Succor (1 hour, conjuration, 7th)
Range: Touch
Duration: special
You enchant a ritually prepared clay necklace or bracelet with a potent spell that instantly transports its wearer back to a specific hallowed site when broken. Only the creature you gave the talisman to can use it in this fashion; if it is taken and used by another creature the spell fails. Breaking the talisman is a bonus action. Creating this talisman requires a sacrifice worth at least 1000 silver, which the spell consumes. You cannot have more than three such talismans in existence at any time. If you attempt to create another, the oldest talisman loses its magic.
Symbol (1 minute, conjuration, 7th)
Range: Touch
Duration: special
You inscribe a powerful glyph on a surface or inside a closable object or container no larger than 10 feet in diameter. This glyph is a trap, and it activates when whatever triggers you specify take place within 20 feet of it. You can make these triggers as elaborate as you wish (including passwords), but they must be physically observable. Once triggered the glyph fills a 60 foot radius sphere with magical radiance lasting 10 minutes, and any creature inside the sphere is affected by it. A list of symbols are provided in the section of this book detailing traps.
Antimagic (1 action, abjuration, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
You create an invisible 10-foot radius field around yourself, which is cut off from the magical forces of the cosmos. This spell cannot be dispelled or countered by magical means. All magical effects within this field are suppressed; spells cannot be cast, summoned creatures vanish, and magical items become non-magical. Magic of artifact level power or greater is not suppressed, and pre-existing magic with a duration longer than one round resumes if the field leaves its former area of effect. Likewise, summoned creatures vanish within the zone and reappear once the space they occupy is no longer within the radius. Instant effect spells (such as battle magic) cast into or through the area are consumed and harmlessly nullified.
Earthquake (1 minute, evocation, 8th)
Range: 500 feet
Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
You cause an earthquake in a 100-foot radius surrounding a point within range that you can see. Every round each creature standing on the ground in this area must make an acrobatics (balance) check with a difficulty of 15 or fall prone. Structures in this area suffer severe damage and may collapse at the narrator's discretion. If you wish, this spell can also open a fissure 1d10x10 feet deep and 10 feet wide, extending from one edge of the spell's area to the opposite side (200 feet across long). Creatures standing in a spot where the fissure opens must make a reflex save or fall in, and structures located above the fissure area automatically collapse.
Fertility (10 minutes, transmutation, 8th)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
This spell manipulates the raw force of life in the cosmos. If you cast this spell on a barren creature it regains the ability to reproduce for a year and a day if it could ever previously do so. If you cast this spell on a pregnant female it guarantees the offspring is healthy and free of congenital defects. If you cast this spell on a willing female it becomes pregnant, and the offspring is a plane touched member of its parent race appropriate to whichever plane your divine magic stems from. If you cast this spell on land, it becomes wildly fertile in a 1 mile radius for 1 year. If you cast this on a plant, it grows up to three times its regular size over a span of 1 month. If you cast this on a normal animal, it transforms into a dire animal over a span of 1 week.
Horoscopes (1 hour, divination, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: special
You perform a series of divinations for a single creature, telepathically providing it with magical advice regarding its future. The conscious mind cannot internalize true knowledge of its own future, so after the spell ends both you and the target forget what was said. Within the next year the target will experience 1d10 situations where they make an important d20 roll of some sort (determined by the narrator). In these situations, the target gains a premonition of its own future, and the roll is made with advantage. You cannot cast this spell on yourself. After a creature benefits from this spell, it must wait a year before it can do so again. Casting this spell requires a sacrifice worth at least 1000 silver, which the spell consumes.
Majesty (1 action, enchantment, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
You project a divine aura identical to that of a deity’s avatar, gaining several potent benefits for the duration of the spell. First, you gain advantage on all saves against magic and resistance to non-magical sources of damage. Second, any time a creature attacks you it must make a fortitude save or be blinded for one round. Third, hostile creatures within 60 feet that can see you must make a will save or become terrified for 1 minute. Third, allied or neutral creatures within 60 feet that can see you must make a will save or choose between leaving your presence immediately by the most direct means or falling to their knees in awe for 1 minute. The psychological effects of this spell cannot affect a creature more than once per casting, and any creature that makes its save becomes immune for the remainder of the duration.
Meteorology (10 minutes, conjuration, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: 12 hours
You must be standing under the open sky to cast this spell. You control the weather within an 8-mile radius of yourself. Every time you choose to alter the climate, the effects take place over a span of 30 minutes. When you change the wind, you can alter its direction. The weather has three traits: temperature, precipitation, and wind. Each trait is measured on a scale of 1-5, and you can alter each trait by a maximum of one step in either direction. Temperature: [Sweltering, Hot, Mild, Cold, Arctic]. Precipitation: [Clear, Hazy, Overcast/Fog, Rain/Snow, Blizzard]. Wind: [Calm, Breeze, Windy, Gale, Hurricane].
Salvage (1 hour, conjuration, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You raise a sunken ship from the floor of the ocean. You must know the vessel's name if it has one, or have seen it before by some means. If the ship is within 5 miles of you and at least 50% intact it rises to the surface of the ocean and travels to you under its own power, at its normal sailing speed, by the most direct route. If you are standing on dry land and the ship cannot reach you, it beaches itself as close as possible and the spell ends. Although this spell restores a destroyed ship to perfect condition, it does not repair the cargo or contents. If a creature is inside the wreck when it travels to you, it is brought along. If the ship is destroyed again while in route to you, the spell ends prematurely, and the ship sinks again. Casting this spell requires a sacrifice worth 3000 silver, which the spell consumes.
Soulseeker (1 minute, divination, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
By speaking the full and true name of a single creature either you or a creature you touch are personally familiar with, you learn the creature's general location. This spell can find a target anywhere in the cosmos, including on other worlds or planes of existence. If the creature does not have a name, this spell fails. This spell can only be blocked by mind blank, wish, or similar magic of at least 8th level. The location of the target creature is described to you in general terms and is accurate to a radius of 1 mile. If the target is inside a building or other structure, the spell imparts this knowledge to you. After using this spell to locate a creature you must wait a full year before you can use it to find the same creature again.
Stormbolts (1 action, evocation, fortitude half, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You speak a word of power and unleash powerful bolts of lightning from your body in all directions. These bolts lash out at any creatures you choose within a 40 foot radius of you, dealing 8d8 lightning damage and stunning them for one round. A successful fortitude save halves this damage and annuls the stunning effect. This spell has no effect on nearby inanimate objects and does not harm creatures you wish to exclude from damage.
Sunburst (1 action, evocation, fortitude half, 8th)
Range: 120 feet
Duration: instant
Brilliant sunlight floods a 60-foot radius, centered on a point you choose within range. All creatures in this radius take 7d10 radiant damage and are blinded for 1 minute. A successful fortitude save annuls the blinding effect. Undead and oozes have disadvantage on this save. Creatures blinded by this spell can attempt a new fortitude save every round to end the blindness. This spell dispels any darkness in range, magical or otherwise.
Astralization (1 minute, necromancy, 9th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: indefinite
You and any number of willing creatures within 10 feet project your souls into the astral plane. The bodies of the travelers go into stasis, during which time they lose all sensation and cease to age. Subjects in stasis also do not require air, food, or water. An astral body looks like a ghostly copy of the traveling creature, including equipment. Projecting souls are connected to their bodies by a find silvery strand that fades away inches from the projecting creature's head.
Fountain (1 action, necromancy, 9th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You summon a massive surge of primal life energy, fully restoring any creatures you choose within 30 feet of you. This energy removes all poisoning, diseases, temporary derangements, and regenerates any lost soft tissue (but not bone).
Gate (1 action, conjuration, 9th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
You open a portal in an unoccupied space you can see within range. This portal leads to a precise location elsewhere in the cosmos. You can orient the portal in any direction you choose. It remains open for the duration of the spell. Travel through the portal is possible only by moving through its front. Anything doing so is instantly transported to the other side, appearing in an unoccupied space nearest to the portal. Deities and other planar rulers can prevent portals created by this spell from opening in their presence or anywhere in their domains.
Implosion (1 action, evocation, fortitude half, 9th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You create destructive resonance in a creature’s body, dealing 8d8+40 crushing damage. If it is killed by this damage it collapses in on itself and vanishes permanently. This spell has no effect on gaseous or incorporeal creatures.
Rebirth (1 hour, necromancy, 9th)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
By invoking the true name of a dead creature and performing a lengthy ritual involving sacred fire and objects that were important to it in life, you create a new body for the creature and restore it to life. This spell cannot be used to restore a creature that died of old age. If you do not know the creature's true name and possess at least three such objects, the spell fails.
Souldrain (1 action, necromancy, fortitude half, 9th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You siphon life force from a single target within range. The target sustains 9d8 necrotic damage and you regain an equal amount of health. If this damage kills the target it transforms into a wight or draugr under your control. Damage dealt by this spell does not heal naturally; it can only be restored by magical means.