Greyscale Sword & Sorcery
Beguile (1 bonus action, enchantment, will special)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
You imbue yourself with a glamour that adds +1d4 to charisma-based skills. After the spell ends, any creature you influence thusly can make a will save to realize it was magically manipulated. Only creatures you influence are entitled to a save. External observers cannot notice the effects of this spell.
Bolide (1 action, evocation)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: instant
You hurl a bolt of fiery energy at a single target as a ranged Arete attack. On a successful hit the target takes 1d8+Arete fire damage. Flammable objects targeted by this spell ignite.
Deflection (1 reaction, abjuration)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You cast this spell in response to being targeted by a damaging effect. This can be an attack, a spell, a trap, or similar. You gain +2 to defense and saving throws against the source, and if the effect successfully damages you the damage is reduced by your Arete roll. This cantrip is a basic magical "parry" used by arcanists. It makes spell duels possible.
Elementalism (1 action, transmutation)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: concentration
You can influence a 5 foot cube of elemental matter such as water, soil, fire, or air. This spell cannot influence solid rock or manufactured materials. You can move or change the flow of elemental matter in any direction you wish, or cause the matter to form simple shapes or animate at your direction. If you target water with this spell, you can cause it to freeze solid. If you stop concentrating, the matter collapses or reverts to a normal unsupported shape. You can use this spell on loose dirt or soil to dig trenches, direct air into a room, animate fire to create props for a story, or similar. This spell cannot be used to directly deal damage.
Freeze (1 action, evocation, fortitude half)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You utter a curse at a single target within range, causing it to freeze. The target takes 1d6+Arete cold damage. Alternately, you may extinguish all non-magical fire in a 5 foot radius.
Glider (1 bonus action, transmutation, cantrip)
Range: self
Duration: concentration
You create spectral wings on your back cosmetically appropriate to your mythos. If you jump off a high place the wings require you to fly at a speed of 20 mph or the prevailing wind speed, whichever is higher. If there is prevailing wind, you must travel in the direction the wind is blowing. Every round of flight your altitude decreases by 20 feet until you land on a solid surface. The magic of the spell ensures this landing is safe, regardless of your speed.
Hologram (1 action, illusion)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration
You create an illusory image of a substance or object. It vanishes 1 round after you stop concentrating to maintain it. The object can be no larger than a 10 foot cube, and it is purely visual. It does not create light, sound, scent, or have tactile elements. Creatures touching the illusion immediately realize it is immaterial and successfully disbelieve it.
Light (1 action, illusion)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You imbue one object of up to size medium with radiance of your chosen color for the duration. It sheds bright light to a radius of 20 feet and dim light an additional 20 feet. Covering the source of light with an opaque material blocks it. You can only have three instances of this spell active at a time.
Microtulpa (1 action, conjuration)
Range: Self
Duration: concentration
You conjure a small weapon or tool into your hand. The object you conjure must weigh 3 lbs or less, and it acts as a normal specimen of its type. It cannot be made of exotic or highly expensive materials. This spell also cannot create machines, alchemical substances, drugs, or items with moving parts. A torch or an iron hammer are acceptable items, for example, but an adamantine hand axe or a gold ring would not be. The conjured object does not need to remain in your possession (it can be used by others), but it vanishes immediately if you stop concentrating.
Slice (1 action, evocation)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
You swipe your hand through the air in a cutting gesture, cleaving through one target with telekinetic force. This is an Arete attack with a reach of 10 feet that deals 1d12+Arete slashing damage. If you kill a target with this spell, you may immediately use it to attack a secondary adjacent target for free. Alternately, you can use this spell to selectively cut through objects within range as though you are using a blade, axe, or other edged tool. This spell is silent.
Telekinesis (1 action, transmutation)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration
You move or manipulate a single non-enchanted object by thought as long as it is not being worn or carried. If you cast this spell on multiple rounds, you must use your action every round to maintain your telekinetic hold. The maximum weight is equal to your Arete*10 lbs. The maximum distance you can move objects in a single round is 50 feet. You can exert precise control, such as using tools or opening doors or containers. This spell does not confer a sense of touch however, so tasks requiring tactile sense are not possible. You could use a knife to slice a cake, for example, but not to pick pockets or locks. If you throw an object at a target, it counts as a ranged Arete attack dealing 1d6+Arete crushing or piercing damage.
Thunderbolt (1 action, evocation)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: instant
You hurl an arc of electricity at a single target as a ranged Arete attack. On a successful hit the target takes 1d8+Arete electrical damage. You have advantage on this attack if the target is wearing metal armor.
Whisper (1 bonus action, divination)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: concentration
You point your finger and whisper a message to a single target in range. The target hears this message and can reply in kind as long as you maintain concentration. Only you and the target can hear this communication. This spell can target creatures you cannot see directly, but you must be familiar with them and know their general location. The spell does not follow a straight line, so it can freely travel around corners or through tiny openings to a maximum range of 100 feet. If the target is completely sequestered by solid matter and no such openings exist, the spell fails.
Withering (1 bonus action, necromancy)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round
You imbue a single ally or weapon with dread power. The next time the recipient lands a melee attack, the blow deals bonus necrotic damage equal to the casters Arete bonus. Alternately, you may make an Arete touch attack to deal 1d8+Arete necrotic damage. Creatures and objects destroyed by this spell collapse into ruin.
Alarm (1 minute, divination, RITUAL, 1st)
Range: Touch
Duration: 24 hours
You draw a tiny magical ward on a door, container, or immobile surface. Whenever an unauthorized creature of size Tiny or larger comes within 20 feet of the symbol, it triggers an alarm. The alarm can be audible or mental. The audible version of this spell lasts 1 round and can be any sound you choose, ranging in volume from a whisper to a horn. It can also be a spoken message if you wish. The mental version of this spell gives you a silent premonition that the ward has been activated. You must be within 1 kilometer of the ward to receive this warning. When casting this ward, you may authorize any number of creatures you select to not trigger it. This ward can be spotted with the Perception skill and disarmed with the Arcana skill.
Apotropaism (1 action, abjuration, 1st)
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 minutes
One willing creature is protected from celestials, fey, fiends, spirits, qlippoth, and undead. Creatures of those types have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. The target also cannot be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them.
Arcblast (1 action, evocation, 1st)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You unleash an arc of lightning as a ranged Arete attack at a single target within range, dealing 2d8 lightning damage. Upcasting this spell deals 1d8 additional damage AND affects one additional target within range per spell level above 1st.
Aurasight (1 action, divination, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
This spell analyzes the spiritual aura of a creature, object, or place within 30 feet. Doing so takes 1 full round of uninterrupted scrutiny. It reveals the presence of powerful (supernatural) alignments and magical enchantments. For example, a cleric using aura sight to study an incubus disguised as a mortal would recognize the evil magical aura of a fiend. This spell can also be used to sense magical items, illusions, and mystical traps, but not their specific nature or what they do.
Backfire (1 reaction, evocation, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You cast this spell in response to being struck in melee. Your attacker takes 3d8 fire damage with no save. Upcasting this spell deals 1d8 additional damage per spell level above 1st.
Blink (1 bonus action, conjuration, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You teleport up to 30 feet to a location you can see within direct line of sight. Upcasting this spell increases the range of transportation by 10 feet per level.
Charm (1 action, enchantment, will, 1st)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You cause one humanoid creature to regard you as an ally for the duration. When the spell ends the creature knows it was charmed. Upcasting this spell affects one additional humanoid per level. Alternately, if upcast to 4th level this spell can affect a single nonhumanoid target.
Cipher (1 minute, illusion, RITUAL, 1st)
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 days
You write or draw two inscriptions on a single object or surface. Unauthorized creatures you designate at the time of casting perceive one inscription, while all authorized creatures you designate perceive the other inscription. If this spell ends or is dispelled, both of the inscriptions vanish.
Disguise (1 action, illusion, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: 8 hours
You cloak yourself in an illusion that alters your voice and physical appearance. This includes clothing, armor, weapons, and similar. Your new appearance must have the same general body shape as your true form. Creatures touching the illusion reflexively attempt to disbelieve it. If they fail to do so their senses tell them your illusory form is genuine for the next 10 minutes, after which a new check must be made if they touch the illusion again.
Drakefire (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 1st)
Range: 20 feet
Duration: instant
You unleash a blast of energy in a 20-foot cone, dealing 2d8 elemental damage of your choice to creatures and objects in that area. Upcasting this spell increases the damage by d8 and the range of the cone by 10 feet per spell level above 1st.
Feather (1 reaction, transmutation, 1st)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 10 minutes
You enchant up to 6 creatures within range. If these creatures fall while the spell is active their descent slows to 60 feet per round, and they take no falling damage upon landing. Upcasting this spell to 4th level increases the duration to 1 hour.
Fusillade (1 action, evocation, 1st)
Range: 120 feet
Duration: instant
You unleash three bolts of magical energy at one or more targets within range. Each bolt of energy requires a separate Arete attack roll and deals 1d10 damage on a successful hit. You can choose what type of elemental damage to deal, and the damage type may differ between missiles. Upcasting this spell fires one additional missile per spell level.
Horror (1 action, enchantment, will, 1st)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You cause a single creature within range to become terrified of you. While terrified, the target must use its action every round to flee away from you by the safest available route as long as such a route exists. Every round the creature can attempt a new save at the beginning of its turn to end the effects of this spell.
Identify (1 minute, divination, RITUAL, 1st)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
You close your eyes and point at a single creature, object, written spell, or magical effect within range to gain insight into its magical properties and function. If the target is a magical item you learn how to use it, the terms of its attunement (if any), how many charges it has, and similar. If the target is a creature or object created or influenced by magic, you learn what spells were involved in its creation or enchantment. If some or all of the magic in question is intentionally crafted to be subtle or very hard to detect (such as a magical trap, curse, or other hidden effect), the game master may secretly roll your Arete against the opposing casters save difficulty to notice.
Informance (1 bonus action, enchantment, 1st)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You touch a willing creature and impart 1 minute of memories in a single second. For you and the target time seems to stop, and the world appears to drain of color. You may speak freely and show the target mental images during this moment of accelerated perception, and whatever you say becomes stuck in the target’s long-term memory. This communication is one-way, and the target cannot reply. Creatures spying on your target's thoughts with telepathy cannot intercept this communication because it takes place in a split second. However, they may realize it occurred after the fact if the target begins actively thinking about the message. Casting this spell on an unwilling target has no effect.
Magemail (1 action, abjuration, 1st)
Range: Touch
Duration: 8 hours
You cloak one willing target in a protective forcefield. The target's defense becomes 14+AGI. This spell is suppressed if the target wears armor, and it resumes if the armor is later removed. Shields may freely be used in tandem with this spell. As a reaction the recipient can end this spell prematurely to gain immunity to a single source of slashing, piercing, or crushing damage.
Obtenibration (1 action, necromancy, 1st)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration
You create magical darkness in a 20-foot radius from a point you can see in range. The darkness spreads around corners and suppresses all non-magical light within it. Creatures with darksight and infravision cannot see through this darkness. Alternately you can animate existing shadows within the same area, causing them to move and form shapes you designate. The shadows are immaterial, but they can obscure vision or create fantastical images or distractions as desired.
Phantasm (1 action, illusion, 1st)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: concentration+1 round
You create the illusion of an object, creature, force, or environment within a 15-foot radius. The illusion only includes visual and audible traits. You can use your action to change or move the illusion if you wish, causing it to appear as though it is reacting normally to its environment. Creatures touching the illusion immediately realize it is immaterial and disbelieve it. Upcasting this spell to 3rd level causes it to include thermal and scent traits. Upcasting this spell to 5th level causes it to include tactile traits. Upcasting this spell to 6th level makes the illusion permanent until dispelled.
Portraiture (1 minute, transmutation, RITUAL, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You touch a writing surface (paper, canvas, etc.) and imprint it with an image of your current field of vision. You may crop or narrow the margins of the image if you wish, but you cannot edit or omit portions of what you see. Casting this spell requires a vial of ritually prepared ink infused with powdered gemstone worth 100 silver, which the spell consumes
Ruin (1 action, necromancy, fortitude half, 1st)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: instant
You cause a single creature or object in range to rapidly succumb to entropy, dealing 3d10 necrotic damage to it. Unless it possesses necrotic resistance, the target creature or object counts as though its soak score is 5 points less when resisting this spell. Any object destroyed by this spell collapses into rot, rust, and ruin. Alternately, you can make a melee Arete attack against your target. If this attack hits, the target does not receive a saving throw against this spell.
Shield (1 reaction, abjuration, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round
You ward yourself with an invisible barrier of magical force, increasing your defense and soak scores by 5 until the beginning of your next turn.
Translation (1 action, divination, RITUAL, 1st)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour
You grant any number of willing creatures within 10 feet the ability to understand all spoken non-magical languages. This does not allow the recipients to speak other languages, but two creatures under the effects of this spell would be able to understand one another. Upcasting this spell with a 4th level slot increases its duration to 8 hours, and using a 6th level slot increases the duration to 24 hours.
Withdraw (1 bonus action, divination, 1st)
Range: self
Duration: 1 minute
You grant yourself preternatural swiftness and an innate sense of avoidance. You gain +20 speed and do not provoke attacks of opportunity for the duration.
Adaptation (1 action, abjuration, RITUAL, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 8 hours
This blessing endows up to 3 willing creatures within 10 feet the ability to survive and breathe comfortably in dangerous environments as though they were native to them. Such environments include (but are not limited to) the depths of the ocean, sweltering lava tunnels, or even the cold void of outer space.
Catnap (1 action, enchantment, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 minutes
You touch one willing creature, who falls asleep for the duration. If the spell does not end prematurely because the target takes damage or is roughly shaken, it gains the benefits of an interlude and loses two levels of exhaustion if it had any. A creature cannot benefit from this spell more than once every 3 days.
Enhancement (1 action, transmutation, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour (concentration)
This blessing enhances one of a willing creature's six core statistics. For the spell's duration the target gains advantage on skill checks and saving throws involving that statistic. The enhancement also grants certain additional benefits based on the statistic improved. Might doubles carrying capacity. Agility negates damage from falls less than 30 feet. Endurance grants 20 temporary bonus hit points. Intellect grants perfect recall of anything the target has experienced in the last 24 hours. Spirit grants advantage on initiative rolls and the ability to act during the surprise round. Charisma grants no additional benefit.
Familiar (1 hour, conjuration, RITUAL, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: permanent
You conjure a spiritual servant which takes the form of an animal or other eligible creature no larger than size tiny. This servant is helpful to you and obeys your telepathic commands. As an action you can close your eyes and perceive the world through your familiars’ senses, deliver touch spells through it remotely, transform it into a stylized tattoo on your body, or peel the tattoo off your skin and resummon it to your side. You cannot have more than one familiar at a time. If the familiar is killed or travels further than 1 kilometer from you, it reverts to a tattoo on your body and cannot be resummoned again for 24 hours. While your familiar is a tattoo you can change it into a different eligible creature during an interlude or full rest.
Fogbank (1 action, conjuration, 2nd)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 10 minutes
You summon a thick bank of fog in a 20 foot radius centered on a point you can see within range. The fog blocks all forms of vision. Everything within the fog is heavily obscured, and spells or effects requiring line of sight cannot target creatures or objects within. The fog is dissipated by a strong wind after 1 round. Upcasting this spell increases the radius of the fog by 10 feet per additional spell level. above 2nd.
Gale (1 action, evocation, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: concentration
You unleash a sustained and powerful airstream from your hands or mouth. The jet is 100 feet long and 10 feet wide. Any creature of size medium or smaller that enters or begins its round in this area must succeed on an athletics check against your save difficulty or be pushed 40 feet away from you. Creatures attempting to move against the airstream must expend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot they move. Untethered and unattended objects weighing 50 lbs or less are blown away to the limits of the airstream. This spell can fully power the sails of a size medium or smaller ship.
Hallucinate (1 action, enchantment, will, 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration
You hijack a creature’s senses, causing it to experience a vivid hallucination. This vision can be anything you wish, but you cannot conceal or alter the appearance or positioning of creatures. For example, if you create the hallucination of a bottomless chasm where an orc is standing, the target will still see the orc walking on thin air. Likewise, you cannot create the hallucination of a stone wall if doing so would block the target's sight of the orc. You can cause a target to perceive creatures, objects, or landscapes that are not there if you wish. If a target has reason to believe its senses are being manipulated, it can attempt to disbelieve once per round on its turn. If the target takes damage as a consequence of your hallucination, it immediately disbelieves this spell.
Invisibility (1 action, illusion, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
You endow a creature with invisibility, along with anything it is wearing or carrying. This spell ends if the target attacks or casts a spell. Upcasting this spell affects an additional target per spell level. Alternately, if you upcast this spell at 4th level you can grant true invisibility to one creature for 1 minute. True invisibility does not end if the target attacks or engages in spellcasting.
Knock (1 action, transmutation, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You open one locked or sealed object within range. This can be a door, chest, bar, manacles, etc. If the target is warded with a magical lock, the spell becomes suppressed for 1 hour.
Levitate (1 action, evocation, fortitude , 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration
You cause one creature or object you can see to rise or fall vertically. The maximum weight you can lift is equal to your Arete times 100 pounds. You can change the target’s altitude by up to 30 feet per round as an action or bonus action. If you are the spells target, you can rise or fall any distance up to your foot speed as part of your movement instead. When this spell ends, you can choose to allow the target to fall normally or float gently to the ground. If you wish the target to float gently to the ground will do so from any height, regardless of how long the descent takes.
Magelock (1 action, abjuration, RITUAL, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: indefinite
You draw a ward onto a door, window, chest, or other locking object. You and creatures you designate may bypass the seal normally, or you may designate a password to allow access. Once a warded object is opened, the spell becomes suppressed until it closes again. Objects warded by this spell are also more difficult to pick or force open. The difficulty to do so increases by 10, and the objects soak increases by 10. Casting this spell requires a small key of solid gold worth 200 silver, which the spell consumes.
Mindblade (1 action, enchantment, will half, 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You lock eyes with your target and speak a single word of power, dealing 4d6 psychic damage and imposing a -2 penalty on all attacks, saves, and skill checks it makes for 1 round. If the target saves, it takes only half damage and does not suffer this penalty. Targets that are blind or incapable of meeting your gaze are immune to this spell. Upcasting this spell deals 1d6 extra damage per spell level above 2nd.
Paralyze (1 action, enchantment, will, 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You paralyze a single humanoid target for 1 minute. Each round the target can attempt a new save at the beginning of its turn to resist this spell. Upcasting this spell targets one additional humanoid per spell level. Alternately, upcasting this spell to 5th-level allows you to target a single non-humanoid creature.
Resizing (1 action, transmutation, fortitude, 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 10 minutes
You cause a creature or object within range to grow larger or smaller by one size category for the duration, doubling or halving its dimensions and multiplying or dividing its weight by a factor of 8. If the target is a creature, anything it is carrying changes size with it. Any item dropped by a resized creature returns to normal size immediately. Resized creatures deal 1d8 more or less damage per attack for each size category they are altered. Upcasting this spell to 4th level alters the size of the target by up to 2 categories and/or makes it last 1 hour. Upcasting this spell to 7th level alters the size of the target by up to 3 categories and/or makes it last 1 day. Upcasting this spell to the 9th level alters the size of the target by up to 3 categories and makes it indefinite until dispelled.
Servant (1 action, conjuration, RITUAL, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour
You conjure an invisible telekinetic force with rudimentary intelligence to do simple work on your behalf. This magical servant can fly at a speed of 30 and travel up to 100 feet from you, acting on your turn. It has a strength of 10 and can perform basic unskilled tasks such as fetching, cleaning, folding, digging, serving food, pitching tents, etc. After the servant finishes a task it returns to your side and waits for new orders.
Shatter (1 action, evocation, fortitude half, 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
This spell has no visual manifestation. It causes a destructive harmonic resonance that can have one of two effects. First, it can deal 3d8 thunder damage to all creatures and objects in a 10 foot radius. Second, it can target one specific creature or object and deal 4d8 thunder damage to it. Inanimate objects suffer an additional 2d8 damage from this spell, and if the damage is sufficient to destroy the object it shatters into pieces. Attended objects that a creature is holding onto may use that creature's save values. The targeted version of this spell is precise enough to destroy an object without damaging other attached or nearby creatures or objects. Upcasting this spell deals an additional 1d8 damage per spell level above 2nd.
Shockwave (1 bonus action, evocation, fortitude half, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You clap your hands or stomp your foot to unleash a shockwave extending 10 feet in all directions. Creatures and objects in this area suffer 2d8 thunder damage and are knocked prone on a failed save. If you choose, you may designate creatures or objects within range to be unaffected by this spell. Upcasting this spell deals an additional d8 damage per spell level above 2nd.
Spellmaw (1 minute, illusion, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
You enchant a surface or object to carry a magical message of 30 words or less. When the triggering conditions are met, a mouth appears on the surface and delivers the message in your voice. The volume of this message can be as soft or as loud as you would normally be capable of speaking. After delivering its message the spell dissipates. You can use this spell as an alarm if you wish, and the difficulty to perceive, disarm, or evade it is equal to your save difficulty. Casting this spell requires gem dust worth 25 silver, which the spell consumes.
Steed (1 minute, conjuration, RITUAL, 2nd)
Range: Self
Duration: 12 hours
You summon a large four-legged quasi-real mount that appears in front of you. The mount is equipped with a saddle and tack, which cannot be removed. This steed has the statistics of a warhorse, health equal to 6x your caster level, a foot speed of 60, and travels 10 miles an hour. The warhorse cannot make attacks. When you cast this spell you can designate one additional creature (other than yourself) whom the steed will serve and obey. Ten minutes before this spell expires the steed becomes faintly translucent, after which it vanishes. Upcasting this spell to the 4th level causes it to last 24 hours.
Suggestion (1 action, enchantment, will, 2nd)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 10 minutes
You suggest a reasonable-sounding (and non-suicidal) course of action to a single creature within range, compelling it to comply to the best of its ability. Alternately you can suggest that the target take a certain course of action when a triggering condition is met. This spell ends when the duration elapses, the suggested course of action is finished, or you or your allies attempt to harm the target (whichever comes first). Upcasting this spell to the 4th level extends the duration to 1 hour. Upcasting this spell to 7th level causes it to last 24 hours.
Undeath (10 minutes, necromancy, 2nd)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: special
You transform a number of nearby corpses into zombies or skeletons under your control. You can telepathically issue commands to these creatures while they are within 100 feet of you, and they obey without question. Animating a size large undead counts as three corpses, and animating a size huge undead counts as five. Creatures created by this spell serve their maker indefinitely, but the caster can only sustain control over a number of corpses equal to their caster level. If this limit is ever exceeded, the caster must immediately relinquish control of existing minions to conform to this threshold. Undead creatures released from this bondage become free-willed. Upcasting this spell to 5th level allows the creation of ghouls, wights, and crawling claws. Upcasting this spell to 7th level allows the creation of mummies and draugr. Upcasting this spell to 9th level allows the creation of banshees, heucuvas, dullahans and shades.
Warmth (1 action, evocation, 2nd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 8 hours
You grant one willing creature cold resistance for the duration. The target can ignore the effects of extreme cold, including immersion in freezing water, and does not need to wear cold weather clothing to survive in arctic conditions. Upcasting this spell to the 4th level causes it to last 24 hours.
Waterwalk (1 reaction, transmutation, RITUAL, 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 8 hours
Up to 10 creatures you designate gain the ability to walk on the surface of liquid as if it were a trampoline. This effect occurs precisely if and when the target chooses, and targets under the effects of this spell can alternate between sinking into and walking on the surface of liquid as a reaction. If a creature attempts to utilize its ability to water walk while submerged and it is not being forcibly held underwater, it floats back to the surface at a rate of 100 feet per round and suffers no negative effects from depressurization at extreme depth (although it does not gain the ability to breathe water). If a falling creature strikes the water while under the effects of this spell, the damage it sustains is halved and it is catapulted into the air as though it had struck an enormous trampoline. If a creature under the effects of this spell attempts to use the elasticity of the water to enhance its ability to leap, then its maximum jumping distance and height are tripled. This spell can be cast as either a ritual or a reaction. If cast as a reaction, it may be used to save targets from falling into a body of water (such as being thrown off the deck of a ship during a storm).
Web (1 action, conjuration, reflex, 2nd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 10 minutes
You summon a thick mass of sticky webs in a 10-foot radius centered on a point you can see within range. Creatures entering or caught within this area must make a reflex save or become restrained. Once per round on its turn a creature can attempt an escape check with a difficulty equal to your spell difficulty. If the webs are anchored between two solid surfaces (walls, trees, pillars, rocks, ceiling, floor, etc.) they remain in existence for the full duration, otherwise they vanish after one round. The webs are flammable and burn off after 1 round if ignited, dealing 1d10 fire damage to creatures caught in them.
Ammunition (1 minute, conjuration, RITUAL, 3rd)
Range: Self
Duration: 8 hours
You conjure 50 pieces of magical ammunition. They can be of any type you choose, but must weigh 2 lbs or less (arrows, bolts, bullets, throwing knives, throwing axes, javelins, etc.) The ammunition has no magical attack or damage bonus, but counts as magical for purposes of overcoming resistance. Casting this spell requires 50 silver worth of powdered gemstone, which the spell consumes.
Borealis (1 action, illusion, will, 3rd)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You create a brief aurora borealis in a 20 foot radius at a point within range. Every creature in this area that sees the lights must make Will save or be stunned. Affected creatures can attempt a new save each round to recover. They also instantly recover if they take damage or are roughly handled.
Cloudform (1 action, transmutation, 3rd)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
You become incorporeal for the duration, appearing wispy and insubstantial. In this form you have resistance to all damage, advantage on fortitude and reflex saves, the ability the pass through tiny openings that air could fit through, and immunity to falling damage. You treat liquids as impassable surfaces and cannot manipulate objects, attack, or cast spells.
Counterspell (1 reaction, abjuration, 3rd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You attempt to interrupt a spell in the process of being cast. Make an arete roll against the opposing casters arete bonus plus 10. If successful the targeted spell fails and the opposing casting loses the spell slot.
Curse (1 action, enchantment, will, 3rd)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
This curse can manifest differently depending on the level of the spell level used. The caster must declare the effects of the curse, the reason it was laid, and the conditions under which it will naturally end. If the effect, precedent, and termination clause of the curse are not appropriate or do not coincide with the caster’s ethos, the curse does not take effect (at the narrator's discretion). Suitable effects by spell level are found elsewhere in this book. Curses created by this spell end when their duration ends, their terms are met, or they are lifted by a Decurse spell cast using a spell slot one level higher than the one used to lay the curse. Because of this, 9th-level curses cannot simply be dispelled.
Decurse (1 minute, abjuration, 3rd)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You lift the effects of a single curse on the target. If the curse stems from a magical item, the object retains its properties, but the victim is freed from its magic. Lifting powerful curses requires a spell level one level higher than the spell used to cast it.
Dispelling (1 action, abjuration, 3rd)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: instant
You negate a single magical effect within range. This can be a spell cast on a creature or object, an active spell manifestation, or similar. If the targeted magic is higher than third level, you must make an Arete check equal to 8 plus the opposing casters Arete. If the effect being targeted is permanent or extremely well established, the difficulty is 13 plus the opposing casters Arete.
Everflame (1 minute, evocation, RITUAL, 3rd)
Range: Touch
Duration: until dispelled
A flame springs forth from an object you touch, roughly equivalent to a torch. The flames can be any color you choose, but they create no heat and use no oxygen. The flames can be suppressed by covering the object in question, but they cannot be smothered or quenched. Casting this spell requires 50 silver worth of gem dust, which the spell consumes.
Fear (1 action, enchantment, will, 3rd)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
You unleash a blast of psychic terror in a 30 foot cone. Every creature in this area becomes terrified of you on a failed save and must flee away from you by the safest and most direct means. Each round that a creature affected by this spell can no longer see you it can attempt a new save to ends the effects.
Fireball (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 3rd)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: instant
You hurl a pea-sized ball of fire at a point within range. It explodes on impact, releasing a roar of sound and a blast of fire and force which deals 6d6 damage in a 20 foot radius. Creatures in this area that fail their reflex save are knocked prone. The fire and explosive force do not spread around corners or total cover unless the damage is sufficient to destroy the cover. Flammable objects within the explosive radius ignite if they are not being worn or carried.
Haste (1 action, transmutation, 3rd)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You grant one willing creature incredible speed for the duration. The target gains +2 defense and initiative, advantage on reflex saves, and an additional action on its turn. This action can only be used to dash, disengage, hide, use an object, or make a single attack. When the spell ends the target gains one level of exhaustion. Upcasting this spell affects one additional willing creature per spell level above 3rd.
Lightning (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 3rd)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: instant
You hurl a bolt of lightning up to 150’ long that damages all creatures and objects it passes through. This bolt does not need to travel in a straight line, and you can alter the trajectory of the stroke to cause it to pass through multiple creatures in range. In addition to the distance traveled between individual targets, the bolt loses 10 feet of range for each target it damages (so striking multiple targets will make the bolt substantially shorter). Because this spell requires careful placement to achieve maximum effect, it has some special rules. If you are using theater of the mind instead of a battle map, assume the bolt can hit 4-6 small to large sized targets in the same nearby melee without striking allies. The lightning deals 6d6 damage and cuts a targets speed in half for 1 round on a failed save. Upcasting this spell deals 1d6 extra damage per spell level above 3rd.
Occultation (1 action, abjuration, 3rd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 12 hours
You grant one willing creature immunity to divination spells. The target also cannot be perceived by remote viewing sensors and effects (such as clairvoyance or scrying) for the duration. This spell does not prevent detection by magical traps.
Paranoia (1 action, enchantment, will, 3rd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You cause one creature to think that every other creature it perceives is an enemy for the duration. The target will attack or flee from all nearby creatures. If the target is emotionally invested in the creatures around it (close friends or family), it will panic and flee from them in confusion instead of attacking. Every round the target can attempt a new save to end its effects.
Pockets (10 minutes, conjuration, RITUAL, 3rd)
Range: Self
Duration: 24 hours
You enchant all bounded spaces about your person capable of holding small items (pockets, backpack, bosom, etc.), connecting them to an extradimensional demiplane capable of holding up to 100 lbs. Items placed in this space do not contribute to your encumbrance. Only objects that would fit into your pockets can be placed into the space (knives, arrows, coins, tools, food, etc.), and you can retrieve any stored item as a bonus action. As long as you have a single pocket, container, or bounded space on your body this spell persists, but if they are all destroyed or removed (such as by disrobing) the spell ends. When the spell ends any objects held in your dimensional space reappear on the ground within 5 feet of you. You cannot store magical items or living creatures in this space. Upcasting this spell to 5th level extends the duration to 1 week.
Pyrotechnics (1 bonus action, evocation, reflex half, 3rd)
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Special
This spell can have one of three effects. First, it can animate, enlarge, diminish, or extinguish all fire in a 60 foot radius (such as by putting out a burning building). Second, it can cause a source of open flame to emit a cloud of thick black smoke in a 20 foot radius for the duration. Third, it can cause open flames at a single point in range to burst into a flash of intense light and heat that deals 6d6 fire damage to all targets within 20 feet, also causing blindness for 1 round on a failed save.
Sending (1 action, divination, 3rd)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You send a short telepathic message lasting 12 seconds or less to a creature you are familiar with. The recipient recognizes you if it knows you and can answer in a like manner immediately. Creatures with an intellect of at least 1 will understand the meaning of the message, even if they do not share a common language with you. This spell can reach any being in the cosmos with no chance of error, including those on other planes of existence.
Senselink (1 minute, enchantment, RITUAL, 3rd)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
You connect two wiling creatures on the same plane, allowing them to close their eyes and perceive one another’s surroundings using their counterparts’ senses across any distance. Creatures bonded by this spell can feel when their counterpart wishes them to tune into the link, and both parties can communicate with one another remotely by speaking aloud, staring at their own handwriting, or similar. Creatures using this link cannot take actions and are unaware of their own surroundings. Either recipient can end this spell at will as an action. Upcasting this spell to 5th level extends the duration to 8 hours. Upcasting this spell to 7th level extends the duration to 24 hours. Upcasting this spell to 9th level extends the duration to 10 days. No creature can have more than one instance of this spell active upon it at a time. If it accepts a new Senselink enchantment, the old spell immediately ends.
Shelter (10 minutes, conjuration, RITUAL, 3rd)
Range: Self
Duration: 12 hours
You conjure a magical shelter with a height and radius of 15 feet. This dwelling can look like a tent, cabin, or similar. The structure is magical and conforms to the local terrain, but it does not manifest if there is no space large enough to hold it. The structure is immune to the effects of harsh weather (including storms), and the interior is a comfortable temperature. It is also very hard to destroy, with 60 health and a soak value of 8. Only you and creatures you authorize can open or close the entrance to this structure. If it is dispelled or destroyed, the structure vanishes. Upcasting this spell to 5th level increases the duration to 24 hours. Upcasting this spell to 7th level increases the duration to 10 days.
Slow (1 action, transmutation, will, 3rd)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You warp time around up to six creatures within range. The targets suffer -2 to defense and initiative, halved speed, disadvantage on reflex saves, inability to take reactions, and they can only take one action or bonus action a round (not both). If the target takes an attack action it cannot make more than 1 attack a round. Each round a creature affected by this spell can attempt a new save to end its effects.
Tongues (1 action, divination, 3rd)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 3 hours
You grant all creatures in a 10 foot radius fluency in the languages of all creatures they attempt to communicate with for the duration. Recipients of this spell only gain knowledge of a language if the native speaker is within line of sight. If such a creature leaves line of sight the knowledge fades until contact is restored.
Vampirism (1 bonus action, necromancy, fortitude half, 3rd)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You strike a creature and steal its life force to bolster your own. On a successful arete attack the target suffers 5d6 necrotic damage and you heal an equal amount of health. Alternately, you can make a normal melee weapon attack in conjunction with this spell to add its damage to your regular weapon damage, siphoning life force through your weapon to heal your injuries. Upcasting this spell deals an additional d6 necrotic damage per spell level above 3rd.
Amnesia (1 action, enchantment, will, 4th)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You touch a creature and attempt to erase its memories. The target forgets the events of up to the last hour on a failed save. It is impossible to cast this spell in combat, and if the target is unwilling it must be restrained or unconscious. Upcasting this spell to 6th level erases up to 8 hours of memories. Upcasting this spell to 8th level erases up to 24 hours of memories.
Banishment (1 action, abjuration, will, 4th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You attempt to banish one creature within range to another plane of existence. If the target is native to the plane you are on it is banished to a gray featureless void for the duration or until you stop concentrating, after which it reappears in the spot where it vanished. If the target is native to a different plane than the one you are on it is banished back to its home plane instantly.
Barbs (1 action, evocation, 4th)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
You protect yourself with an invisible ward that instantly deals 1d10 piercing damage to any creature attacking you in melee for the duration, regardless of whether or not it hits. Upcasting this spell to 6th level causes it to deal retaliatory damage in response to missile attacks as well.
Blight (1 action, necromancy, fortitude half, 4th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You utter a dark word of power and deal 8d8 necrotic damage to a single creature or object within range. On a failed save, living targets also suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and skill checks for the next 2 rounds. Targets destroyed by this spell molder away or collapse into corruption. Plant creatures suffer disadvantage when saving against this spell, and it deals double damage to them. If you cast this spell on an ordinary plant of size huge or less, it is destroyed with no save. If you cast this spell on terrain, it defoliates everything within a 30 foot radius of the target point and prevents anything new from growing there for 10 days.
Blizzard (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 4th)
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Special
You conjure a raging storm of wind, snow, and razor-sharp hail in a 20-foot radius, 40-foot tall cylinder centered on a point within range. Creatures in this area take a total of 7d6 crushing, slashing, or cold damage in whatever proportion you choose. Until the end of your next turn the target area counts as difficult terrain, and creatures within it are blinded and heavily obscured. Please note that this means they are also fully obscured from you.
Carriage (10 minutes, conjuration, RITUAL, 4th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 8 hours
You conjure a magical vehicle pulled by a team of four steeds. This vehicle can have any cosmetic appearance you wish. The enclosure provides full cover to those within, and acts as basic shelter from harsh weather. The steeds look and act like regular creatures of their type, but they are fearlessly obedient and cannot take independent actions or become separated from their tack. Any damage dealt to a steed is counted against the structure of the vehicle, which disappears if reduced to 0 health. The carriage has 100 health, 10 soak, 20 defense, and self-repairs at the rate of 1 health per minute. It can move up to 8 miles per hour and comfortably carry up to 1 ton, with adequate seating for up to 6 medium-sized humanoids. Medium or smaller creatures caught in the path of the vehicle must make a reflex save to avoid being knocked prone and trampled for 5d8 crushing damage. Those who save dodge out of the path of the vehicle. While riding in or on the vehicle you can mentally command it to move each round as a bonus action. Alternately, you may grant one willing creature the ability to physically drive it as a regular vehicle of its type. Casting this spell requires a ritually prepared amulet in the shape of a wagon wheel, worth 500 silver. Upcasting this spell extends the duration by 4 hours per spell level above 4th.
Confusion (1 action, enchantment, will, 4th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You cause all creatures in a 10-foot radius from the target point to experience surges of impulsive erratic behavior. Affected creatures must roll a d4 each round and take the following actions: [1] Flee in terror from all nearby creatures by the safest and most effective route. [2] Become stunned and babble incoherently until their next turn. [3] Go berserk and make at least one melee attack against the nearest creature. [4] Act normally. Targets can attempt a new save every round to overcome this effect. Upcasting this spell increases the radius of by 5’ per spell level above 4th.
Divination (1 minute, divination, RITUAL, 4th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You make mental contact with a powerful extraplanar entity through meditation. You may ask it a single question about a goal, event, or activity anticipated within the next 10 days. The spirit's reply manifests itself as a brief wordless burst of insight. Entities of this sort typically possess godlike intellect and divine awareness, so even if they possess no direct knowledge of the event in question their counsel is usually sound. You cannot cast this spell more than once every 72 hours. Casting this spell requires a sacrificial offering of a sort that the contacted entity would desire, which the spell consumes. The offering must be worth at least 100 silver, potentially more at the game master’s discretion.
Excavate (1 action, evocation, 4th)
Range: Self
Duration: concentration up to 10 minutes
You create a telekinetic force that burrows through the earth directly in front of you at a rate of 10 feet per round, displacing the dirt up to a 10-foot diameter. This spell cannot tunnel through brick or solid rock. If used to create a subterranean passage which would normally be unstable, the passage does not cave in until after the spell elapses. This spell can also be used to excavate hillsides, dig trenches or cellars, separate ore and rocks from dirt, raise breastworks, and similar. If you plan to use this spell to assist in the creation of complicated structures or permanent fortifications, it is appropriate to gain the assistance of an engineer or someone with knowledge of the structure being made.
Fabricate (10 minutes, transmutation, RITUAL, 4th)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You transform an assortment of raw materials into a single manufactured item. This item must fit within a 5’ foot radius, and the caster must have proficiency in the necessary toolset to produce the item in question. The quality of the item depends on the quality of the materials used. Casting this spell requires 100 silver worth of gem dust, which the spell consumes.
Feedback (1 reaction, evocation, 4th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
This spell is identical to Counterspell, but the caster of the countered magic also suffers 1d6 psychic damage per level of the negated spell. This spell can only be used if you possess direct line-of-sight to the opposing spellcaster and they are within 60 feet of you.
Firewall (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 4th)
Range: 120 feet
Duration: concentration up to 10 minutes
You create a wall of fire on a solid surface. The wall is 1 inch thick and can be up to 100 feet long and 20 feet high. The wall does not need to be straight. The wall is opaque and cannot be seen through. Any creature moving into, passing through, or beginning its turn within 5 feet of the wall takes 5d6 fire damage. A creature cannot take damage from the wall more than once per round. If you choose, the wall of fire will not deal damage to plants or inanimate objects or structures in contact with it.
Goetia (10 minutes, conjuration, will, 4th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: special
This spell comprises a variety of techniques for summoning, brokering, and binding otherworldly entities into service. To cast it you must first inscribe a summoning circle of the appropriate type onto a flat surface and cast this spell while standing within 10’ of it. The summoned entity must either be named by you, or you must clearly describe the exact type of being you wish to summon. If the entity is willing to appear it does so immediately. If it is unwilling, it can make a will save to resist this spell. If you know the entity's true name it has disadvantage on the save. Once the entity appears in the circle it is contained there, unable to leave or act until the negotiation is concluded or the perimeter of the circle is broken or covered. If the circle is broken the entity can emerge and act freely. This negotiation typically goes one of four ways; the caster has a conversation with the entity and then releases it, the caster threatens or tortures the entity into agreeing to perform some service, the caster offers payment and bargains with the entity for service, or the caster negotiates a mutual trade of favors with the entity. Once a pact is struck the entity (and caster) are both compelled to make a good faith effort to fulfill the terms of the deal. If either party reneges, they immediately suffer the agreed-upon penalty (usually destruction). Once the negotiations are finished or the terms of the pact are honored, the entity is free to return to its home plane. It is not obligated to do so unless returning to its home plane is included in the terms of the deal.
Megakinesis (1 action, evocation, opposed athletics, 4th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 10 minutes
You gain the ability to move creatures or objects within 60 feet by force of will. For the duration of this spell, you can use an action to grab, lift, push, pull, restrain, or crush one creature or object of up to size huge each round. The target can weigh no more than 2000 pounds. If you attempt to lift or move a creature or object in a creature’s possession, you must first win an opposed athletics roll using your Arete against the target. If successful, you move the target up to 30 feet in any direction. Exerting force on a target continuously for more than one round requires ongoing concentration. If you attempt to strike a creature or object with telekinetic force, roll an Arete attack against the target's defense to deal 4d10 crushing damage. If you have already restrained a target using this spell and are maintaining concentration, you can deal crushing damage as an action without an attack roll on any round where you win the opposed grapple check to keep your opponent restrained. It is also possible to push or throw large or heavy objects at opponents using this spell. If you do this, the damage (and any reflex saves) will depend on the situation and the object used (subject to GM approval).
Mindblast (1 action, enchantment, will half, 4th)
Range: Special
Duration: instant
This spell can have one of two effects. First, you can project a 30 foot cone of destructive mental energy which deals 7d6 psychic damage to all sentient targets within range. Second, you can launch an assault against the mind of a single target within 60 feet that deals 6d8 psychic damage. If you choose to attack a single target, it becomes stunned for 1 round on a failed save. This spell has no visible manifestation, but any creature you damage with it immediately becomes aware of you through the brief moment of psychic contact and knows your exact location at the time of casting. Upcasting this spell deals an additional d6 psychic damage per spell level above 4th.
Mislead (1 action, illusion, 4th)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
This spell does three things simultaneously. First, it makes you invisible for the duration or until you attack or cast a spell. Second, it teleports you up to 60 feet to a spot you can see. Third, it creates an illusion of you in the spot you previously occupied. This illusion follows a scripted course of action that you determine when casting the spell, vanishing at the end. Physically interacting with the illusion immediately reveals it to be insubstantial and false.
Polymorph (1 action, transmutation, will, 4th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration up to 1 hour
You transform one creature into an animal of size large or smaller for the duration. The target retains its mind and personality but gains the health, statistics, and traits of its new form. If it is reduced to 0 health it reverts to its normal form and regains the health score it had before being transformed. If it reverts as a result of damage to its polymorphed body, any excess carries over to its original form. If the target is wearing or carrying any equipment, it melds into its new temporary form and becomes unusable and inaccessible until it regains its true shape. Upcasting this spell to 6th level extends the duration to 8 hours. Upcasting this spell to 8th level makes the duration indefinite until dispelled.
Rust (1 action, necromancy, fortitude, 4th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You cause all non-magical ferrous metal in a 10 foot radius of a point within range to rust to pieces over 1 minute. Unattended metal is automatically affected. Metal carried or worn by creatures is unaffected if the bearer succeeds on a fortitude save.
Shout (1 bonus action, evocation, fortitude half, 4th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You shout one or two deafening words (of your choice), dealing 7d6 thunder damage to all creatures and objects in a 30 foot cone. On a failed save the target(s) are also deafened for 1 minute. Brittle, crystalline, and lithic (stoney) creatures suffer disadvantage when saving against this spell, and it deals double damage to them. If you cast this spell on an ordinary mass of rock or brick no larger than size huge (such as a wall or statue), it shatters it to pieces with no save. Upcasting this spell deals an extra d6 damage per spell level above 4th.
Stoneskin (1 action, abjuration, 4th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
You cause the skin of one willing creature to become as hard as granite, granting it soak 8 for the duration. Casting this spell requires diamond dust worth 100 silver, which the spell consumes.
Telesthesia (1 action, divination, 4th)
Range: Self
Duration: concentration up to 1 hour
You fall into a meditative trance and create an invisible spectral eye in the palm of your hand. The eye has 60 foot darkvision and a flying speed of 5 mph. You can look through the eye and control its movements telepathically, like a silent levitating drone. There is no limit to how far the eye can travel, but it must remain on your plane of existence. The eye fits through openings 1 inch in diameter. If you stop meditating to view through the eye, the spell immediately ends.
Trapdoor (1 bonus action, conjuration, 4th)
Range: 500 feet
Duration: instant
You open a momentary portal to a precise location within range. You do not need to see your target location: it is enough to visualize or describe it. You can bring along up to 3 willing creatures carrying gear up to their capacity, as long as they are physically touching you when you cast the spell. If you would arrive in a place occupied by an object or creature, you and any creatures traveling with you take 4d8 force damage and the spell fails.
Spellchest (10 minutes, conjuration, 4th)
Range: Touch
Duration: special
You enchant a ritually prepared chest which can contain up to 24 cubic feet of inanimate matter. This chest is attuned to a tiny replica figurine in your possession. You can use an action to banish this chest into the deep ethereal plane, where it remains until you use another action to summon it back to an unoccupied space within reach. After 60 days there is a cumulative 5% chance each day that the spell ends. If the spell ends while the chest is on the ethereal plane, it is lost. You may only have one instance of this spell active at a time. If you attempt to cast this spell on a new chest, the prior spell ends.
Stoneshape (1 action, transmutation, 4th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
You touch a mass of stone up to 5x5x5’ in dimension and form it into any shape you wish. You can use this spell to create simple tools, furniture, openings in walls, and similar. You can also alter the stone surrounding a door to seal it shut or cause it to fall away from its frame. You cannot create stone objects involving anything more complex than a basic hinge or latch.
Cement (1 action, transmutation, 5th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
This spell can have one of two effects. First, you can transmute any amount of lithic material (dirt, rock, stone, etc.) in a 15’ radius from a fixed point in range into wet mud. Second, you can cause any amount of lithic material in this radius to solidify and harden into bedrock. You do not have to affect all such material within this radius unless you choose to (so you could just liquify a statue or create a hole in a wall, for example). The effects of this spell are permanent. Mud created by this spell counts as difficult terrain, and deep mud (such as from a mudslide or by transmuting part of a cavern roof into mud to bury targets) may require an athletics check to escape at the GM’s discretion. This spell is commonly used to destroy walls or brick buildings, remove rubble, mire enemies, etc. It has no effect on crystals or metallic ores, so it is also an effective method of separating minerals from stone.
Cloudkill (1 action, conjuration, fortitude half, 5th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: concentration up to 10 minutes
You summon a 20-foot radius cloud of poisonous mist centered on a point in the range. The mist flows around corners and can be any color you choose. Everything within it is heavily obscured, including from you. When a creature enters or begins its turn inside the cloud it sustains 5d8 poison or necrotic damage in whatever proportion you choose. Natural plant life inside this area withers and rots away, but the mist deals no damage to structures or inanimate objects. Each round you concentrate you can use a bonus action to move the cloud up to 20 feet along the ground in any direction. The gas is heavy, so it pours down into pits or other openings it moves across.
Communion (10 minutes, divination, RITUAL, 5th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
When you finish casting this spell the world appears to drain of color and time seems to stop. You then make mental contact with a powerful extraplanar entity and ask a total of five questions. The answers to these questions must be yes, no, likely, unlikely, or unknown. The entity possesses godlike intellect and divine awareness, so even if it has no direct knowledge of the matter in question its counsel is usually sound. You can bring up to five other creatures into the divination as witnesses if you like. Witnesses may telepathically speak to one another and can hear the entity's replies, but only you are able to address or ask direct questions of the entity. Because this communication takes place in a split second, none of the participants can move or take any actions apart from telepathic speech. You cannot cast this spell more than once every 72 hours. Casting this spell requires a sacrificial offering worth at least 250 silver, which the spell consumes.
Creation (1 action, illusion, 5th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You draw on mystical energy to create a solid tulpa object that blurs the lines between illusion and reality. The created object(s) must fit within a 5 foot radius and be lithic or plant based (stone, iron, jewels, wood, cloth, etc.) You cannot create animal based products or supernatural metals or materials with this spell (bone, meat, milk, cheese, honey, leather, mithril, adamantine, orichalcum, etc.). Items requiring a high level of skill to produce (weapons, jewelry, boats, etc.) also require you to have that requisite crafting knowledge. If you create food with this spell and it is consumed before the duration ends, the creatures who ate it continue to retain its nutritional benefits.
Dream (1 action, enchantment, RITUAL, will, 5th)
Range: Self
Duration: concentration up to 10 minutes
You enter a meditative trance and telepathically project into the mind of a sleeping creature you are familiar with elsewhere on the same plane of existence, creating a dreamscape of your choosing and socially interacting with the target for the duration. You must appear in the dream as your true self, and the target retains full knowledge of your conversation upon waking. If the target would not normally wish to accept contact from you, it can make a reflexive subconscious will save to resist this spell. You are incapable of harming or magically influencing the target in any way through the medium of this spell, though you may use social skills normally. If the target wishes, it can choose to share its memories with you through the medium of the dreamscape. You cannot delve into a target’s memories without its permission. Upcasting this spell extends the duration by 10 minutes for each spell level above 5th.
Elemental (1 action, conjuration, 5th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration up to 10 minutes
You summon a Tier 1 or 2 spirit from one of the elemental planes and compel it to serve you. The spirit appears at a point within range and obeys your telepathic commands to the best of its ability, attacking and performing tasks as you dictate. The spirit can manipulate its core element to an extent proportional to its power, so an earth elemental can dig trenches or extract ore from the ground, a fire elemental can power a forge or extinguish burning buildings, an air elemental can fill a ship's sails or get rid of local fog, a water elemental can raise a sunken boat from the ocean floor, etc. To end this spell safely you must take an action to command the spirit to return to its home realm. If your concentration lapses or the spell's maximum duration is reached, the spirit breaks free of your control. Elemental spirits are alien and unfathomable to mortals, so roll a d6 to determine how the spirit behaves: (1) the spirit returns to its home plane immediately, (2) the spirit attacks its summoner, (3) the spirit roams about examining and playing with the landscape, (4) the spirit goes on a violent rampage, (5) the spirit begins manipulating its core element in bizarre or artistic ways, (6) the spirit becomes passive and does nothing unless attacked or provoked. After 1d8 hours an unbound elemental typically returns to its home plane.
Enervation (1 action, necromancy, fortitude half, 5th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You attempt to siphon life force from up to 3 creatures within range, drawing it through the air into your mouth as a stream of liquid light. Each targeted creature suffers 4d6 necrotic damage and you regain the same amount of health. Alternately, you can cast this spell on a mass of plants or foliage, killing all natural flora in a 20-foot radius and restoring 12d6 health. Upcasting this spell allows you to target one additional creature per spell level above 5th.
Glaciation (1 action, evocation, reflex, 5th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: permanent
This spell can have one or two effects. First, you can create ice or snow in a 15-foot radius in whatever shape or quantity you choose. Second, you can create a 1 foot thick wall of ice on a solid surface within range. This wall can be up to 100 feet long and 20 feet high, or it can manifest as a dome or hollow sphere with a radius of 10 feet. Dealing 30 points of damage is sufficient to destroy a 5x5x1 foot section of wall. The wall does not need to be straight. If you choose to create a bridge with this ice, both sides must be anchored to solid ground. If you create ice in a space occupied by a creature, it is displaced to whichever side of the ice you choose. You cannot deal direct damage when casting this spell (such as by freezing, crushing, or encasing a creature in ice). Once created the ice melts normally, leaving behind a proportional volume of water.
Haven (10 minutes, abjuration, RITUAL, 5th)
Range: Self
Duration: 24 hours
You inscribe a magical circle that projects a ward out to a radius of up to 60 feet. This ward imparts a number of powerful protections to creatures inside of it. First, creatures outside of this area cannot see or hear anything inside it. Onlookers perceive the local landscape as empty, uninteresting, and shrouded in a dull haze. Second, dimensional movement (including teleportation and planar travel) cannot be used within the area. Third, creatures within the area cannot be targeted by divination spells. Casting this spell on the same spot every day for a year makes it permanent.
Immolate (1 action, evocation, fortitude, 5th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You speak a word of power that causes one creature or object to erupt into flames. The target sustains 8d6+20 points of fire damage on a failed save and no damage on a successful save. If this damage reduces a target to 0 health it burns to ash, along with any non-magical objects it is wearing or carrying.
Masquerade (1 action, illusion, will, 5th)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 8 hours
You alter the appearance of any number of creatures you can see within range. Unwilling creatures make a reflexive subconscious will save to resist. You can choose what each creature looks like, and its voice changes to match its new appearance. This illusion can also alter the appearance of armor and equipment. The target’s new appearance must have the same general body type (humanoid, quadruped, etc.) and size category (small, medium, large) as the original creature. You can cancel the disguise for individual creatures if you wish. The disguise created by this spell does not include tactile elements, so physical touch senses the target’s true shape. Disbelieving this illusion does not reveal the target’s true appearance.
Passwall (1 action, transmutation, 5th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
You touch a solid surface within range and create a temporary stable passage leading through it. The passage can be up to 10 feet wide, 10 feet tall, and 30 feet deep. When the passage closes, any creatures stuck inside it are ejected into the nearest open space.
Return (1 minute, conjuration, 5th)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round
You open a shimmering portal leading to a spot within 20 feet of a permanent travel circle whose arcane coordinates you know. This portal is ovular and 10 feet in diameter, and you can choose whether each side of the portal is horizontal or vertical. The portal does not need to appear on level ground. Any creature passing through the portal emerges through the other side with its original orientation and velocity. Every permanent travel circle has its own unique string of magic runes, and you can learn a new set of coordinates by studying an existing travel circle for 10 minutes. Powerful organizations often create their own travel circles in secure locations for private use. You can create a permanent travel circle by casting a variant of this spell in the same location every day for one year. Casting this spell requires the inscription of a complex glyph roughly 1 foot in diameter using special ink infused with gem dust worth 100 silver, which the spell consumes. It is possible to inscribe this glyph on a surface ahead of time. If you do this, this spell takes only 1 action to cast when you touch the symbol.
Scrying (1 minute, divination, will, 5th)
Range: Self
Duration: concentration up to 1 hour
You use a reflective surface to remotely perceive a target creature somewhere on the same plane of existence for the duration of this spell. The target makes a reflexive subconscious will save to resist scrutiny. If successful the spell fails, and it becomes aware of the attempt. If the spell succeeds, you must roll your Arete against the target's awareness or it senses it is being watched. If the target knows you are casting this spell it can waive its saving throw if it wishes to be observed. If successful an invisible sensor appears within 10 feet of the target, moving with the creature for the spell’s duration. You can perceive the world through this sensor as though you were present.
Stonewall (1 action, conjuration, reflex, 5th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration up to 1 hour
You create a wall of stone at a point you choose within range. The wall is 1 foot thick, 10 feet tall, and up to 100 feet long. The wall can be straight or curving as you wish, though it cannot form angles greater than 30 degrees. If the wall intersects a space occupied by a creature, that creature is shunted to whichever side of the wall you choose. If the wall would completely circle or otherwise trap a creature, it may attempt an immediate reflex save to move up to is speed to an area not enclosed by the wall. The wall does not have to rest entirely on a solid foundation, but it must merge with a stable mass of stone capable of supporting it. If you maintain concentration for 1 full hour, the wall becomes permanent. Otherwise it vanishes when the spell elapses.
Sunfire (1 action, conjuration, fortitude half, 5th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: instant
You conjure a blast of burning sunlight in a 30-foot radius centered on a point in range. Creatures you choose within this area suffer 8d8 fire or radiant damage in whatever proportion you wish. This spell deals no damage to terrain, natural flora, or inanimate objects if you do not wish it. The light summoned by this spell is true sunlight.
Telepathy (1 action, enchantment, RITUAL, 5th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 24 hours
You create a telepathic bond between yourself and up to 8 willing creatures within range. The targets can then communicate mentally by silent act of will for the duration, as though they shared a common language. This link persists at any range, even if recipients are separated by different planes of existence. Only mental “speech”, concepts, and ideas may be communicated by means of this spell. Precise images, smells, and other sensory forms of information are not eligible.
Tulefog (1 action, conjuration, 5th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You conjure a bank of thick fog in a 20-foot radius, centered at a point you can see in range. The fog may be any color you choose. Creatures entering the fog are totally concealed, and passage through it requires 10 feet of speed for every 5 feet moved. If a falling creature lands in the fog its momentum is cancelled and it takes no damage, regardless of how far it fell. Missiles fired into the fog lose their momentum immediately and deal no damage, regardless of size. Creatures and objects in the cloud also gain resistance to all forms of elemental damage (acid, thunder, lightning, fire, cold).
Veil (1 bonus action, illusion, will, 5th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: concentration up to 1 hour
You create a complex illusion in a 30-foot radius centered on a single point in range. This illusion encompasses all of the senses and can involve multiple creatures, objects, forces, and even terrain. By maintaining concentration each round, you can alter the illusion to preserve its realism (illusionary creatures move and speak, wind blows, etc.) Physically interacting with any part of the illusion grants an immediate will save to realize what it is. If the illusion is subtle and appropriate to the scenario, the save has disadvantage. If the illusion is alarming, the save has advantage. If interacting with the illusion would cause immediate harm (such as walking across a non-existent bridge), the target gets an immediate save with advantage to stop itself before harm occurs. If the illusion would cause damage (of any sort) and the target fails its save (with advantage), it suffers 2d6 psychic damage but believes that it has sustained injuries of the appropriate type. If this false damage would normally be sufficient to kill a creature but does not reduce its health to 0, it immediately recognizes the illusion. If you stop concentrating, the illusion persists for 1 additional round before fading. Upcasting this spell to 7th level causes the illusion to become permanent until dispelled. Illusionary creatures you create can be scripted to perform simple generic actions (walking, eating, fidgeting, etc.), but they do not speak or interact with others unless you concentrate on making them do so.
Byway (1 action, illusion, 6th)
Range: Self
Duration: 12 hours
You step into an area of dim light and transport yourself and any number of willing creatures within 30 feet into a twilight realm bordering the physical world. Within this realm, they perceive the physical world as an amorphous black-and-white pastiche of hazy outlines, faintly illuminated by a glowing road wending off into the distance in the direction of your choice. The exact appearance of this road is up to you. While traveling on the road, creatures move at a speed of 60 miles per hour and are incapable of perceiving or interacting with things in the physical world. If they step off of the road at any point the spell immediately ends for them, and they return to the physical world in a safe location within 1d6 miles of wherever their high-speed journey would normally put them. Please note that you cannot precisely control where this road leads, only its general direction. So it is useful for safely transporting large numbers of creatures long distances in secret, but useless for scouting or arriving at very specific locations like dungeons or settlements.
Contingency (1 minute, abjuration, RITUAL, 6th)
Range: Self
Duration: indefinite until triggered
You place a ward on yourself which stores one spell of up to 7th level. The stored spell may only target you. This spell takes effect instantly and automatically when the triggering circumstances you dictate come to pass. If the triggering condition is a harmful effect, this spell may act as an interrupt before that effect occurs if desired. No creature may have more than one contingency spell active on itself at a time.
Disintegrate (1 action, transmutation, fortitude half, 6th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You attempt to disintegrate a single creature or object within range, turning it into a pile of fine dust. The target takes 20d6 force damage. If this damage would be enough to reduce it to 0 health, it collapses into dust along with any non-magical items it was carrying. This spell automatically destroys any targeted inanimate object fitting inside a 10 foot radius. If an object is larger than this, the spell disintegrates a 10-foot radius sphere out of it. Structures or masses of solid matter (such as walls or stone) may be disintegrated with this spell, but if used for this purpose, only the given material is disintegrated, and freestanding creatures or objects in the area remain unaffected.
Domination (1 action, enchantment, will, 6th)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You attempt to assert telepathic control over one humanoid within range. If the creature is already in combat it gains advantage on this save. If successful you establish a telepathic link with the target until the spell ends. You can issue mental commands through this link, which it does its best to obey. These commands can be general or specific as you desire (including combat), but the target has no loyalty to you and is free to take other actions that do not interrupt or contradict its current orders (such as speech). Alternately, you may close your eyes and take complete control of the target on a round-by-round basis, in which case you may take no other actions (including movement) and cannot perceive your surroundings. Taking complete control of a target suppresses its free will, preventing it from taking any action you do not permit. The target can attempt a new saving throw every hour to throw off the effect, and at the end of any round in which it takes damage. Upcasting this spell to 7th level increases the duration to 8 hours or allows you to cast this spell on a non-humanoid (but not both). Upcasting this spell to 8th level increases the duration to 24 hours. Upcasting this spell to 9th level makes the duration indefinite until the target successfully saves.
Eyebite (1 bonus action, necromancy, variable, 6th)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
You enchant your eyes with dark magic, allowing you to harm creatures that meet your gaze for the duration. Each round on your turn if a creature within 60 feet looks at you, you can use a bonus action to inflict it with one of the following effects: (Pain) make a fortitude save or take 2d8 necrotic damage and suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and skill checks for one round, (Terror) make a will save or take 2d8 psychic damage and flee in panic for one round, (Beams) make a reflex save or take 2d8 force damage and be knocked prone. A target can gain an advantage on this save if it refuses to meet your gaze, but any round it does so, it cannot see you. Upcasting this spell increases the duration by 5 minutes per spell level above 6th.
Forcewall (1 action, evocation, 6th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration up to 10 minutes
You create an invisible field of force at a point you choose within range. This field manifests as a wall 1 inch thick, 10 feet tall, and up to 100 feet long. The wall can be straight or curving as you wish, though it cannot form angles greater than 30 degrees. If the wall intersects a space occupied by a creature, that creature is shunted to whichever side of the wall you choose. If the wall would completely circle or otherwise trap a creature, it may attempt an immediate reflex save to move up to is speed to an area not enclosed by the wall. Alternately, this field can manifest as a dome or sphere with a radius of up to 20 feet. Nothing can pass through the wall, and it is immune to all damage. It is also unyielding, so moving creatures or objects impacting it may suffer appropriate situational falling damage. The wall can be destroyed by a dispel magic spell.
Gateway (1 action, conjuration, 6th)
Range: 1000 feet
Duration: concentration up to 10 minutes
You create a 10-foot diameter portal connecting two environmentally safe and compatible points in range on the same plane of existence. The portal is two-dimensional and can be seen through clearly by creatures on both sides. Any creature, object, or effect (including spells) passing through the portal exits through the other side normally. On your turn, as a bonus action, you can rotate either side of the portal to face any direction you wish along its central axis. Portals may only be created in spaces free of solid creatures or objects. If you attempt to violate this restriction, the spell fails.
Geas (1 round, enchantment, 6th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 1 year
You command a single creature to perform a non-suicidal service, or forbid it from some course of action. The creature must understand you and accept of its own free will (magical coercion causes the spell to fail). The creature must obey the word of your instructions (not the spirit) until its task is completed. Deviation will cause it to lose 1d6 points of endurance per day until it dies. If the deviation ceases and the creature returns to its task, the endurance loss stops. If this spell requires a task that is nonsensical or impossible, it ends. Upcasting this spell using a 7th level spell slot makes it last a decade. Upcasting this spell using an 8th-level spell slot makes it last a century. Upcasting this spell using a 9th-level spell slot makes it last indefinitely. A geas can only be lifted by a wish or a remove curse spell using a 9th-level slot.
Mantle (1 action, abjuration, 6th)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
You gird yourself in a powerful ward that provides several defensive benefits for the duration. First, you gain advantage on saves against magic. Second, you gain resistance to one damage type of your choice and can change it each round as a reaction. Third, you can end this spell prematurely to cancel any offensive magical effect that would harm you after you roll a save (if any), but before the damage is inflicted. If other creatures would have been harmed by the cancelled magical effect, they are spared from its effects as well. Upcasting this spell to 7th level increases its duration to 1 hour. Upcasting this spell to 8th level extends its duration to 4 hours. Upcasting this spell to 9th level extends its duration to 8 hours.
Petrification (1 action, transmutation, fortitude, 6th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You curse one creature within range, attempting to turn it to stone. A successfully petrified creature may also attempt a second saving throw on the following round to revert to flesh. Unlike the supernatural powers of petrification possessed by some monsters, targets of this spell become impervious to all damage and cannot be broken or injured while petrified. If a petrified creature is somehow reshaped or modified by extraordinary means, it reverts to its undamaged form when the spell ends. Petrified targets can only be restored by spells that lift curses laid at the 6th level of ability.
Possession (1 action, enchantment, will, 6th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You spiritually leave your body and attempt to possess a humanoid creature within range. If successful, your body falls into magical slumber and cannot be revived until the spell ends. While inhabiting another humanoids body you gain its physical traits, but retain your class abilities and knowledge. The mind and soul of the target are suppressed for the duration, and the target remains unaware of what its body does while possessed. Every time the target sustains damage it may reflexively attempt a new saving throw to eject your spirit and end the spell. You can end this spell and return to your body safely after one full minute of concentration. If the target dies while you are possessing it, or moves more than 1 mile away from your sleeping body, the spell immediately ends and you take 10d10 psychic damage. Upcasting this spell increases the duration by 1 hour for every spell level beyond 6th.
Projection (1 minute, illusion, 6th)
Range: Self
Duration: concentration up to 1 hour
You fall into a meditative trance and project your mind to a remote location you have previously seen and studied for at least 1 minute. Your mind manifests as an intangible illusion of your true form, and you remotely control and perceive the world around it as though it were your own body. While this spell persists, your body is helpless and insensible. Creatures attempting to physically interact with this illusion immediately realize its true nature. Though the illusion is intangible, it can be disrupted by violence. Every time the illusion sustains damage you must make a concentration check with a difficulty equal to the damage sustained, or the spell immediately ends. The illusion may also be dispelled normally.
Requisition (1 action, conjuration, RITUAL, 6th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
To cast this spell, you must first ritually prepare an enclosed space no larger than a 10 foot radius. The space may be anything you choose: a cottage, a vault, a cave, a ship cabin, etc. Enchanting this space requires expensive material components worth 5000 silver and takes a full day. Afterward you may freely teleport objects of up to size medium into the space or summon them back out into your hand by casting this spell again. Mundane objects require the sacrifice of a gem worth at least 100 pieces of silver. Unattuned magical items (including spell books) require the sacrifice of a gem worth at least 1000 silver. If you physically visit the space, you may freely add or remove objects without the sacrifice of a gem. For reasons that are still unknown, certain objects with a powerful destiny may not be transported. Magical containers opening into any sort of extradimensional space are also unaffected by this spell.
Sequester (1 minute, abjuration, RITUAL, 6th)
Range: Touch
Duration: indefinite
You lay a powerful enchantment upon an incapacitated creature, a willing creature, or an unattended object. The target becomes invisible and cannot be detected by divinations of any sort, including the perception of deities. Targeted creatures enter a state of temporal stasis, falling into a magical slumber in which they do not age and require no food, drink, or atmosphere. When you cast this spell, you determine the conditions for it to end. These conditions may be anything you choose, but they must involve either a set amount of time or some visibly observable phenomenon within 1001 miles of the target. Casting this spell requires the sacrifice of a gemstone worth at least 2000 silver.
Soultheft (1 action, necromancy, will, 6th)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You touch the corpse of a creature that has died within the last 10 minutes and attempt to siphon its soul into a ritually prepared jewel or mirror worth at least 1000 silver. The deceased creature gets a will save to resist, and if successful you cannot attempt to target it with this spell again unless it is somehow restored to life and later dies again. A trapped soul retains its memories and personality but cannot cast spells, and it can manifest as a floating head within its prison to look out at will. The soul can also speak, but only if you permit it. If the prison is broken, the soul escapes and is free to either travel to the afterlife immediately or linger in the material world for 1d6 hours as a ghost. While a soul remains trapped it cannot be restored to life or targeted with divination spells.
Starfall (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 6th)
Range: 1000 feet
Duration: special
This spell may only be cast outdoors at night. You call a shooting star down from the night sky, striking a point you can see within range in an explosion of celestial fire. The shooting star deals 4d8 crushing, 4d8 radiant, and 4d8 fire damage to all creatures and objects in a 60-foot radius from the point of impact. After casting this spell the shooting star takes 1d3 rounds to arrive. During this time it is visible to any creature able to view the sky, though exactly where it will land is not always obvious. This spell is particularly destructive to terrain. Upcasting this spell increases the radius of the explosion by 20 feet for every spell level beyond 6th.
Tempest (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 6th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: concentration up to 1 minute
You create a swirling 30-foot radius tempest of howling wind, fog, and lightning centered on a point within range. The tempest does not flow around corners. Everything within it is lightly obscured, including from you. When a creature enters or begins its turn inside the tempest it sustains 8d8 lightning or thunder damage in any proportion you choose. Creatures of up to size large that fail their save are thrown 20 feet in a direction of your choosing and knocked prone. Each round you concentrate you can use a bonus action to move the tempest up to 20 feet in any direction. Upcasting this spell increases the damage by 2d8 for every spell level beyond 6th.
Terraform (1 action, evocation, 6th)
Range: 100 feet
Duration: concentration up to 1 hour
You reshape earth in a 30-foot radius, altering its elevation and general shape to create tunnels, hills, walls, pits, ditches, and similar. Displaced earth does not disappear, so it must be shifted to occupy a new space within range. Changes take place over a span of 10 minutes, and you can target a new 30-foot radius area every ten minutes while maintaining concentration. This spell has no effect on solid rock or constructed buildings. If you alter the terrain to undermine the foundations of an existing structure, it may sustain damage or collapse.
Aegis (1 bonus action, abjuration, 7th)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour
You gird yourself in a powerful ward that grants soak equal to the spell level used to cast this spell. Additionally, once per round while this spell is in effect you can use a reaction to automatically succeed on one saving throw of your choice.
Comet (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 7th)
Range: 120 feet
Duration: instant
You hurl a raging bolt of cosmic fire at a point within range. All creatures and objects in the 5' wide path of the bolt take 12d8 fire or radiant damage in any proportion you choose. When the bolt strikes its target it also explodes, dealing the same damage in a 30 foot radius. This spell cannot damage a target more than once in a round.
Duplication (variable, transmutation, 7th)
Range: Special
Duration: Special
You recast one spell of your choice that you have directly witnessed another creature cast during the last minute. This spell must be of 7th level or less, but it manifests at the same level at which the duplicated spell was cast. You control the duplicated spell in all respects, as though you were the one who had cast it. If the duplicated spell has an expensive material component, you must provide this also or it fails. The duplication effect is not limited to arcane spells. Divine and Primal spells may also be copied.
Etherealness (1 action, transmutation, 7th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 24 hours
You transport yourself and up to 8 willing creatures from the material world into the spirit world, also known as the border marches or the ethereal plane. In this realm you may move in any direction at your normal speed by intent alone, including vertically. The plane you originated from is still perceptible while you are ethereal: you can see up to 100 feet through the ethereal haze, and sounds originating across the planar barrier become echoing and ghostly. The border marches look like a black-and-white analog of the material world, filled with hazy outlines and dense white fog. The reflections of physical objects in the material world (doors, walls, ground, etc.) have no substance in the ether, and may be passed through easily. Creatures in the material world cannot perceive the ether without special abilities, so you may spy on them freely. Creatures in the ethereal plane may interact with you normally, however. When the spell ends you return to your plane of origin in whatever physical location currently coincides with your location in the ether. If you would occupy the same spot as a solid object or creature, you are shunted to the nearest available space and sustain 10d10 force damage.
Exanimate (1 action, necromancy, fortitude half, 7th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: instant
You attempt to extinguish the motive force of a single living or undead creature within range, dealing 10d6+30 necrotic damage. On a failed save it also suffers disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks for 1 round. This spell is painless, and feels like a surge of weakness and exhaustion.
Mirage (1 hour, illusion, 7th)
Range: 1 mile
Duration: 1 week
You weave a powerful illusion over the terrain in a radius of up to 1 mile, centered on yourself. The affected land retains its general topography (including structures), but can be made to look like a completely different type of terrain as you desire. The illusion is fully interactive and incorporates all sensory elements. It is also quasi-real, so it must be physically interacted with. Buildings, walls, and similar constructs are fully real for purposes of shelter or protection. Likewise, the thermal elements of the illusion supersede reality. Damage sustained from direct interaction with this spell (drowning, falling, etc.) is psychic rather than physical. This spell cannot create or alter creatures or forces, so it may not be used to create wildfires, lava pits, or similar. It also cannot be used to create traps, though temporary traps may still be constructed utilizing the illusory terrain at the storytellers discretion. Creatures with truesight can see through this illusion normally, but because it is quasi-real they must still physically interact with it. Upcasting this spell increases the duration by 2 days per spell level above 7th.
Oubliette (1 action, conjuration, will, 7th)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 10 minutes
You banish one creature into a twilight void for the duration. The target can attempt a new save every minute to escape, and may act normally on the same turn in which it reappears. It reappears in the same space it vanished from, or in the nearest available safe space. Upcasting this spell to 8th level increases the duration to 1 hour. Upcasting this spell to 9th level increases the duration to 1 day.
Planeshift (1 action, conjuration, 7th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: instant
You transport yourself and any number of willing creatures within range to an alternate plane of your choice. You may specify a target destination if desired, but the storyteller selects exactly where you appear. Alternately, you may choose to appear at a recall circle you are attuned to on the target plane. If you do not choose a specific destination, the terms of this spell guarantee that you appear in a spot that is not immediately damaging or lethal. Random travel to innately dangerous planes incompatible with organic life (water, fire, void, etc.) has a 25% chance of delivering you to a spot on the target plane that is protected somehow, such as in the City of Brass on the plane of fire. Otherwise the spell fails.
Reflect (1 reaction, abjuration, 7th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
You cast this spell as a reaction when being targeted by hostile magic involving a saving throw, gaining a free reroll if your first attempt fails. On a successful save, the hostile magic is also reflected back on its originator. If you cast this spell in response to hostile magic with a radius (fireball, etc.) the offensive spell becomes centered on its caster.
Simulacrum (8 hours, illusion, 7th)
Range: Touch
Duration: indefinite
You create a homunculus duplicate of a single creature using at least 6 ounces of material taken from its body such as hair, blood, flesh, or similar. Once cast the copy grows over 1 week in a vat or a pile of manure using 2000 silver worth of blood and rare herbs. When it emerges, it is fully intelligent and friendly to you and any creatures you designate. It also obeys your commands. While the simulacrum is a perfect physical copy and possesses all the skills and abilities of the original, it has only half of its originators health. It also has none of that creatures knowledge, cannot tell you things its originator knew, and lacks the ability to learn new skills. If the duplicated creature was a spellcaster the simulacrum forms with a full mana pool and can cast any spells its originator knew, but it cannot regain spent mana. You may never have more than one simulacrum under your control at a time. If you cast this spell again to create a new one, the any existing simulacrum you have created burns to ash.
Spellblade (1 bonus action, evocation, 7th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You create a floating spectral sword that hovers over your shoulder and moves in tandem with you. Every round as a bonus action you can cause the weapon to surge forth with blinding speed and make two melee Arete attacks against creatures within 30 feet of you, dealing 1d10+Arete force damage. These attacks do not need to target the same creature. Alternately, you may take the sword in hand and wield it as a melee weapon using the same bonuses and values. If you desire, the sword can enter the ethereal plane at will and interact with entities there.
Suffocate (1 action, transmutation, fortitude, 7th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration
You attempt to telekinetically levitate a creature 10 feet off the ground and choke it to death in midair. The target is incapacitated, and each round it takes 4d8 crushing or necrotic damage in whatever proportion you choose. Each round the target can attempt a fortitude save to throw off the effects of this spell and fall to the ground.
Symbol (1 minute, conjuration, 7th)
Range: Touch
Duration: special
You inscribe a powerful glyph on a surface or inside a closable object or container no larger than 10 feet in diameter. This glyph is a trap, and it activates when whatever triggers you specify take place within 20 feet of it. You can make these triggers as elaborate as you wish (including passwords), but they must be physically observable. Once triggered the glyph fills a 60 foot radius sphere with magical radiance lasting 10 minutes, and any creature inside the sphere is affected by it. A list of symbols are provided in the section of this book detailing traps.
Teleport (1 action, conjuration, 7th)
Range: 30 feet
Duration: instant
You transport yourself and up to ten willing creatures to another location on the same plane of existence. This destination must be a place you have personally seen or visited before, otherwise the spell fails. If the location was only seen remotely by magical means, such as scrying or clairvoyance, there is a 25% chance the spell misfires and instead transports you 1d100 miles off target or to a location that appears similar on the same plane of existence at the narrator's discretion. Alternately, you can cast this spell on one or more nonmagical objects that would collectively fit in a 5 foot cube or radius.
Antimagic (1 action, abjuration, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
You create an invisible 10-foot radius field around yourself, which is cut off from the magical forces of the cosmos. This spell cannot be dispelled or countered by magical means. All magical effects within this field are suppressed; spells cannot be cast, summoned creatures vanish, and magical items become non-magical. Magics of artifact level power or greater are not suppressed, and pre-existing magics with a duration longer than one round resume if the field leaves their former area of effect. Likewise, summoned creatures vanish within the zone and reappear once the space they occupy is no longer within the radius. Instant effect spells (such as battle magic) cast into or through the area are consumed and harmlessly nullified.
Clone (8 hours, necromancy, 8th)
Range: Touch
Duration: indefinite
You create a homunculus duplicate of a single creature using at least 6 ounces of material taken from its body such as hair, blood, flesh, or similar. Once cast the copy grows over a span of 1 year in a vat or a pile of manure, using 4000 silver worth of blood and rare herbs. Once it has finished gestating, the homunculus falls into stasis. It remains this way until the source creature dies, at which point its soul transfers into the clone as long as it is free and willing to return. The original creatures remains cannot then be restored to life, since its soul is elsewhere. The clone can be a younger version of the source creature if you wish. Every time a creature dies and is reborn in a clone body, there is a cumulative 1% chance that the spell fails and the clone molders to dust. The spell may be reattempted, but the % chance of failure continues to increase.
Cloudship (10 minutes, conjuration, 8th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 24 hours
You create a flying caravel out of solidified cloud stuff at a point within range, hovering 5 feet above the nearest solid surface. It has all the statistics of a normal caravel, including maneuverability, and moves through the air in any horizontal direction at 20 miles per hour regardless of weather conditions. If you wish, you can cause the caravel to climb or descend at a rate of 60 feet per round while moving. This spell cannot be dispelled by conventional means, though the ship disappears if the duration elapses or the hull is reduced to 0 health. On command, the caravel can extrude a 5’ wide boarding ramp up to 30 feet from the deck. When the spell ends, all creatures in physical contact with the vessel gain the benefits of a feather spell for 10 minutes.
Demiplane (1 minute, conjuration, 8th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You create a glowing 10-foot diameter portal at a point within range. This portal leads into a dimensional pocket plane in the far reaches of the deep ethereal. This plane takes the form of a cavern, cellar, building interior, or similar space of your choice. Any objects or creatures placed within the demiplane remain there after the portal vanishes and become trapped until a new portal opens. Subsequent castings of this spell open a portal leading back into the same demiplane. You cannot have more than one demiplane in existence at a time. If you recast this spell with the intention of creating a new demiplane, the previous one vanishes and all its contents become lost in the ether. Alternately, if you have detailed knowledge of some other demiplane you may open a portal to it instead. This demiplane may be one created by this spell, or a larger and more stable demiplane of other origin.
Embers (1 action, evocation, reflex half, 8th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration up to 10 minutes
You create a roiling inferno of fiery motes in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within range. The inferno spreads around corners and can be any color you choose. Everything within it is heavily obscured, including from you. When a creature enters or begins its turn inside the cloud it sustains 8d10 fire damage. Flammable objects inside this area burn. Each round you concentrate you can use a bonus action to move the inferno up to 30 feet along the ground in any direction. This spell is highly destructive to flora and standing structures, and deals double damage to plants.
Fantasia (1 action, transmutation, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: 8 hours
You regain 1 health per minute and gain the ability to polymorph into any creature of Tier 4 or lower as a bonus action. While polymorphed you gain the physical characteristics of your new form, but retain your own health and mental abilities. You also retain the ability to cast spells, but your magic causes manifestations normally. There is no limit to the number of times you can change your shape while this spell remains active.
Feeblemind (1 action, enchantment, will, 8th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: indefinite
You attempt to curse a creature by reducing its intellect, spirit, and charisma to 1. The target becomes incapable of magic, tool use, and skill checks. It retains its fighting skills, saves, and the ability to identify friends from foes. Every week the target can attempt a new save to shake the effects of this spell. This spell cannot be dispelled by normal means. It can removed by a Decurse spell upcast to 6th or higher level.
Invulnerability (1 action, abjuration, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: concentration up to 1 minute
You gain immunity to all damage for the duration.
Meteorology (10 minutes, conjuration, 8th)
Range: Self
Duration: 12 hours
You must be standing under the open sky to cast this spell. You control the weather within an 6 mile radius of yourself. Every time you choose to alter the climate, the effects take place over a span of 30 minutes. When you change the wind, you can alter its direction. The weather has three traits: temperature, precipitation, and wind. Each trait is measured on a scale of 1-5, and you can alter each trait by a maximum of one step in either direction. Temperature: [Sweltering, Hot, Mild, Cold, Arctic]. Precipitation: [Clear, Hazy, Overcast/Fog, Rain/Snow, Blizzard]. Wind: [Calm, Breeze, Windy, Gale, Hurricane].
Mindblank (1 action, abjuration, 8th)
Range: Touch
Duration: 24 hours
You grant one willing creature complete immunity to all forms of divination, charm, mind control, mind reading, and psychic damage or influence. The protection offered by this spell foils even the perceptions of deities and similar beings. While it remains in effect, no supernatural power or ability may gather any information about the target. The target is also completely undetectable to remote sensing effects such as scrying or clairvoyance.
Annulment (1 action, transmutation, 9th)
Range: special
Duration: instant
You alter the flow of time and causality, annulling the effects of a single spell cast within line of sight in the current or previous round. This annulment is total, up to and including widespread destructive effects resulting in multiple deaths. If circumstances would make it impossible to annul the effects of the target spell without causing a paradox or widespread connected events, this spell warps the flow of time. History is edited so that the target spell failed and was wasted when it was cast.
Astralization (1 minute, necromancy, 9th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: indefinite
You and any number of willing creatures within 10 feet project your souls into the astral plane. The bodies of the travelers go into stasis, during which time they lose all sensation and cease to age. Subjects in stasis also do not require air, food, or water. An astral body looks like a ghostly copy of the traveling creature, including equipment. Projecting souls are connected to their bodies by a find silvery strand that fades away inches from the projecting creature's head. Astral bodies are physically identical to the host body, including statistics and health. If a creatures astral body is reduced to 0 health, its soul ripcords back into its body and the spell ends.
Gate (1 action, conjuration, 9th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
You open a portal in an unoccupied space you can see within range. This portal leads to a precise location elsewhere in the cosmos. You can orient the portal in any direction you choose. It remains open for the duration of the spell. Travel through the portal is possible only by moving through its front. Anything doing so is instantly transported to the other side, appearing in an unoccupied space nearest to the portal. Deities and other planar rulers can prevent portals created by this spell from opening in their presence or anywhere in their domains.
Imprisonment (1 minute, conjuration, will, 9th)
Range: 10 feet
Duration: indefinite
This spell represents a series of techniques for magically entrapping a creature on a failed save. Imprisonment is perpetual and completely safe: the entrapped creature cannot be harmed by any means and requires no food, water, or air. It also does not age. Its mind is also preserved from decay caused by inactivity. All imprisoning objects and materials inherently deny dimensional movement and cannot be damaged while the spell persists. There are four basic forms of imprisonment. [Entombment] The target is transported into a sphere of force deep beneath the earth. [Shrinking] The target shrinks to a height of 1 inch and becomes trapped inside a small jewel, pendant, cage, or similar. [Demiplane] The target becomes trapped in an extradimensional space such as a labyrinth, building, painting, mirror, or similar. [Chaining] The target is bound to the ground with magical chains. While casting this spell you must clearly state the conditions under which it will end and the target will be released. They can be as elaborate as you wish but the terms must be realistically feasible. These conditions may involve identity, faith, or observable actions or events coming to pass. The effects of imprisonment can only be broken by a Decurse spell upcast to 9th level. Any object used as a material component to imprison a creature (cage, jewel, painting, mirror, etc.) must be worth at least 1000 silver and be ritually prepared to hold that specific creature.
Metamorphosis (1 action, transmutation, fortitude, 9th)
Range: 60 feet
Duration: concentration up to 1 hour
You transform one creature or nonmagical object into another. Creatures may be transformed into objects if you wish, or vice versa. If the target assumes the form of a creature and that creature is reduced to 0 health, it reverts to its true form in the same physical state it occupied at the time of transformation. This spell cannot create supernal substances such as mithril, adamantine, or similar. If an inanimate object is transformed into a sentient creature, that creature gains mental statistics of 5. This spell cannot be used to create creatures with innate supernatural abilities. Concentrating on this spell for the full duration makes the effects permanent.
Timeskip (1 hour, conjuration, 9th)
Range: Touch
Duration: instant
You hurl up to 8 willing creatures forward in time, to a location and moment of your choosing. The targets may be cast up to 1001 years into the future, and appear in the designated spot as though delivered by a teleport spell. If this would be impossible for some reason (such as the area being warded against dimensional movement), the targets are shunted to a safe location 1d6x10 miles in a random direction from the target. This spell requires a ritually prepared sphere worth 5000 silver fashioned from mithril, mercury, white sand, and other rare materials.
Timestop (1 action, transmutation, 9th)
Range: Self
Duration: 1d4+1 rounds
You accelerate your own passage through time so greatly that the entire world seems to freeze for the duration. You may take full rounds worth of actions for the duration but are powerless to interact with or affect creatures in your environment. You are free to use your own gear and to affect free-standing objects not currently in another creature's possession. Most mystics who cast this spell use the time to move, steal unattended objects, cast defensive spells, summon allies, or flee. This spell may not be cast in a region of Antimagic, and while accelerated you are unable to enter such a zone.
Weird (1 action, enchantment, will half, 9th)
Range: 120 feet
Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
You psychically attack any number of creatures you choose in a 30-foot radius, causing them to see illusions of their worst fears. On a failed save they become frightened and suffer 4d10 psychic damage every round. Targets can attempt a new save each round on their turn to shake this effect.
Wish (1 action, conjuration, 9th)
Range: Self
Duration: instant
Wish is the greatest non-ritual spell an arcanist can cast. It alters reality according to the caster's wishes, within limits. A wish spell can also accomplish the following:
Duplicate the effects of any 8th-level or lower spell from any class list, and absolves the caster of the need for expensive material components.
Restore up to 10 creatures to perfect life and health, including ressurection from death and restoration of limbs.
Undo misfortune by altering the consequences of a single event that occurred within the last minute. Reality reshapes to accommodate the new result.
Safely transport any number of willing creatures within a 60 foot radius to another place, including other planes of existence.
Wish may also achieve greater effects, but attempting greater alterations of reality is dangerous. Doing so weakens the caster for 1d6 days thereafter, during which time the caster has a strength of 3 and a speed of 10. If this occurs there is a 25% chance the caster can never cast wish again.