Greyscale Sword & Sorcery
Sinspawn. Fiends are wicked creatures originating in the lower planes, and within those nightmare realms, they are legion. Most appear alive and solid, but their bodies are an otherworldly fusion of flesh and spirit that seems “wrong” to mortal senses. In addition to significant violence, every fiend specializes in at least one form of physical or emotional predation. These are known as addictions.
Addictions. Fiends experience a rush of pleasure when indulging their addictions, and this goal defines them. The impulses of simple fiends are straightforward and violent. Sophisticated fiends dress up their addictions in elaborate schemes. Torture, domination, violation, theft, exploitation, and similar addictions are embodied by different types of fiends. The powers and skills of each fiend are tailored to help the creature satisfy its list of addictions.
Devils. Lawful fiends are known as “devils”, and most have a gargoyle-like appearance. Devils are brutal, organized, dogmatic, and clever. They strike deals and create contracts with other beings to amass power, wealth, slaves, and souls. Devils assume predictable forms with predictable powers and metamorphose into new shapes whenever promoted or demoted. They cannot corrupt other creatures with their mere presence, relying on guile and temptation. The mind of a devil is frighteningly well-ordered, and they take naturally to arcane magic and scientific disciplines like architecture or engineering. Within the lower planes, devils create vast tyrannical city-states. In the mortal world, they corrupt governments and support tyrants to promote the generation of lawful evil souls.
Demons. Chaotic fiends are known as “demons”, and they assume a wide variety of forms. Demons are brutal, selfish, and impulsive. All of their addictions involve some form of consumption. They usually operate in gangs or hordes, held together by fear and self-interest. Prolonged exposure to their psychic presence can spread this demonic addiction to mortals. Demons are prone to mutation, and each has a unique set of cosmetic traits. Despite this, they can be loosely grouped into “categories” based on their shape and the addictions they embody. Within the lower planes, demons maraud or claim territory while viciously dominating and feuding against one another. In the mortal world, they engage in wanton destruction, defiling or devouring everything they touch.
Dyablics. Neutral fiends are known as “dyablics”, and tend to resemble humanoids with gruesome animal traits. They also tend to operate in small groups or warbands, driven by malice and self-interest. Diabolics serve as untrustworthy mercenaries, honoring their agreements only so long as it suits them. They are more interested in personal gain than control or wanton destruction, and a dyablic formed from a humanoid soul will retain some of the characteristics and memories it had in life.
Eternal Conflict. Demons refuse to accept the authority of devils, and devils find the chaos demons spread intolerable. Both hate each other, and they constantly engage in war for primacy. This conflict is not unified, but it is omnipresent. Devil warlord states are constantly under attack by hordes of demons or plotting to seize territory from demons. Diablics act as mercenaries on the fringes of this conflict, or else shun it entirely to seek power and profit on other planes.
Primordialism. All fiends have sorcerous potential, but few have the intelligence or discipline to cultivate it. Intelligent fiends with addictions involving manipulation or psychological torment usually become sorcerers of modest ability. Demon lords and arch-devils are always mighty sorcerers. Divine magic is rare among fiends, but it does exist in individuals with a firm ethos of darkness and large numbers of cultists.
Hordeling (Universal). These fiends are opportunistic predators that form mobs for safety and bring down prey by weight of numbers. Commonly press-ganged as cannon fodder, they are viewed as expendable. Old and successful hordelings are stealthy predators with a talent for backstabbing the unwary. Devil hordelings are dim-witted thugs that serve their betters enthusiastically, hoping to be recognized and promoted to higher forms. Winged demonic versions of these creatures are called Furies. Winged devilish versions of these creatures are called Spinagons.
Warfiend (Universal). These humanoid fiends are fairly common in the lower planes, serving as soldiers and marauders. Devils operate in well-organized bands and are highly disciplined, wearing armor and carrying uniform weapons. Demons are deformed horrors covered in scales or chitin, with an assortment of crude but effective weapons and a berserker mentality. One defining trait of all warfiends is their instinct for fieldcraft. They set traps, build fortifications, forge arms and armor, construct simple siege weapons, and think tactically by nature. Even demonic warriors possess this militant work ethic. Warfiends are responsible for most of the ruins and fortresses in the lower planes.
Brute (Universal). These tall, horned, ogre-like fiends embody hunger and rage. Among devils they serve as slavers and heavy infantry, carrying massive weapons. Among demons, they are hulking berserkers that feast on flesh and blood. Brutes crave combat and are famed for their lack of self-control. Old and successful specimens carry magical weapons and are covered in chitin or hellforged armor.
Gargoyle (Universal). These flying predators are known for extreme patience and the ability to enter a state of suspended animation at will. While in this state they are aware of their surroundings and do not suffer mental deterioration. Among devils, they serve as guardians, ambushers, and aerial scouts. Demonic gargoyles are rabid pack predators with immortal patience and the disturbing ability to wait in ambush for years. All gargoyles have stony skin and a high tolerance for physical punishment.
Tempter (Universal). Also known as Incubi or Succubi, these fiends are androgynous shapeshifters that can drain the life force of any creature they lure into an act of passion. They regularly assume whatever gender form is most likely to entice onlookers. Tempters wield authority in the lower planes because of their intelligence and charisma, enthralling underlings with sadistic lust and clever lies. The greatest among them weave a sort of warped carnival atmosphere around their lairs, serving as a badge of honor and a potent defense. Most are sorcerers of varying abilities. A rare few become dark knights, leading groups of depraved smitten followers.
Deceiver (Universal). These fiends are shapeshifters who can assume various humanoid and fiendish forms. Among devils, they serve as tempters, spies, and administrators. Among demons they hide in plain sight, pretending to be other types of fiends while spreading mayhem with lies and murder. Exceptional individuals are skilled assassins.
Hound (Universal). These fiends are four-legged monsters with huge jaws, a breath weapon, and a keen sense of smell. Devilish specimens are called hellhounds, and demonic specimens are called balehounds. Most are slavering horrors that roam in packs led by a powerful alpha, killing and eating anything weaker than themselves. They tend to vary significantly in appearance.
Gremlin (Universal). These tiny, cunning fiends act as spies, informants, and menials in the lower planes. They hold a reputation as snitches, and other fiends abuse and exploit them terribly. Devilish variants are called Imps, and demonic variants are called Quasits.
Blood (Universal). These vampiric fiends are blood-drinking parasites. They are great creators of the undead, particularly oreks and skeletal monstrosities. They can manipulate the nightsong at will and are obsessed with gore and bones, building charnel pits and gruesome effigies. Most possess bat or wolf-like traits. Old and successful specimens become potent necromancers.
Overlord (Universal). These gigantic fiends are leaders among their kind, commanding hordes of underlings and wielding numerous powers. Tyrants can be beautiful or monstrous depending on their nature, and each has its unique appearance. They are judges, warlords, generals, chieftains, nobility, and more. It is rare to find more than one overlord in a single place. All Overlords are highly intelligent.
Cambion (Universal). These creatures are the offspring of mortals and succubi. Females are known as Alu-Fiends. Cambions occupy a strange place in the hierarchy of the lower planes. Fiends disparage their mortal heritage but are not bound by the same cosmic laws as true fiends. When two cambions breed, they produce a cambion child, and there are places where cambions band together to form their clans and warlord states. Because they are half-mortal, these creatures give live birth and must be weaned to adulthood. Devils are the most common source of cambions; they actively breed them as agents who can enter other planes freely without being summoned.
Devourer (Demon). These hulking demons embody the darkest impulses of gluttony and predation. They resemble great tauric monsters with huge fanged maws in the center of their bellies and have no devil counterpart. Devourers are feared for their ability to eat anything, which grants them a temporary boost of strength. This includes other demons.
Sludge (Demon). These amorphous demons embody principles of gluttony, sloth, and entropy. They resemble huge masses of slime, though the content of this slime varies (blood, ectoplasm, shadows, etc). Sludge demons are ambush predators that can pass through tiny spaces and conceal themselves along well traveled routes, waiting for lone victims to engulf and dissolve. Their only other obsession is pollution, and they take strange pleasure in contaminating areas that are pristine.
Disease (Demon). These demons typically resemble mosquitos with monstrous insectoid traits. They embody the principle of plague and are vampiric in nature, growing stronger when victims succumb to the plagues they carry. The touch of brewed medicine is caustic to them, dealing 10d10 damage if they are splashed, injected, or tricked into consuming it. Disease demons are extremely dangerous because they have no negative emotions to feed upon, but this makes them pariahs among other demons.
Erinyes (Devil). Beautiful humanoid fiends resembling fallen angels, the erinyes have black feathered wings and powerful bodies. All are warriors of great ability, and many practice magic. Among devils it is considered an honor to be an erinyes, and powerful evil mortals who strike pacts with devils often ask to become erinyes when they die. Monstrous devils regard them with a mix of admiration and intense jealousy, so despite their power and sex appeal most erinyes learn to be diplomatic and form lodges of their kind for mutual protection.
Shadow. These incorporeal fiends embody fear, deception, and paranoia. Their shadowy ectoplasm is highly malleable, and they can warp it into any shape they please. Shadow fiends are invisible in darkness and dim lighting, and they are famous for their ability to possess living creatures. These fiends feed on terror, and delight in stalking and tormenting other creatures before losing in for the kill. Among devils they serve as spies and torturers.
Swarm (Abydoni). These insectoid fiends have humanoid upper torsos and are addicted to gluttony and greed. They vary in appearance depending on their allegiance, from gilded and metallic to skeletal and putrescent. All Abydoni can control insects and arachnids, and are capable of dematerializing into a swarm of bugs at will. Abydoni range from small to large in size, and most resemble locusts or scorpions.