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Magical Items

Enchanted items are an important part of fantasy gaming “culture”. They act as tangible rewards for players, increasing their potency and granting them extra abilities. That said, they must be managed carefully to prevent power creep and game imbalance. GSS handles this using the following rules: 


Attunement Limitation. Most powerful and highly useful magic items require attunement. This means a character must meet or fulfill certain criteria before their soul “connects” to the item and they can use it. No character can attune to more than 3 magic items at once. 


Arcane Dissonance. Magical items radiate magical auras, and if too many are carried by one character the auras overlap and cause health problems (weakness, sickness, memory loss, sanity loss, etc.). As characters grow in level, their souls become stronger and they can handle a greater metaphysical “load”. No character can carry more magical items than their PROF.

Potion Miscibility. Potions and elixirs grant powerful benefits, but they do not mix well. No character can have more than one potion or elixir with a non-instantaneous duration active at one time. They also cannot safely drink more than one type of potion (except healing potions) in a day. After a full rest this limitation resets. Violating this stricture risks a potion miscibility mishap.


Potions are magical draughts that confer an immediate supernatural effect when consumed. Elixirs last until the drinker next sleeps or completes a full rest. It is not possible to have more than one active elixir at a time. If a second elixir is consumed while another is active, roll on the miscibility table. 


Tier 1

  1. *Healing. Restores 1d12 plus the characters LVL in health. 

  2. Antitoxin (Elixir). Immunity to poison. 

  3. Beauty (Elixir). Gain the attractive perk. 

  4. Bloodscent (Elixir). Gain the scent abilities of a wolf, with particular sensitivity to blood.  

  5. Buoyancy (Elixir). Float in liquid of all sorts, up to 5x bodyweight.   

  6. Cooling (Elixir). Cool to the touch and unaffected by environmental heat less than actual fire.  

  7. Feather (Elixir). You enjoy the benefits of a continuous feather spell for the duration. 

  8. Firebomb (Bomb). When lit and thrown, this magical oil bomb deals 3d8 fire damage in a 10' radius.

  9. Fogbank (Bomb). A small vial that shatters on impact and releases a 20’ radius fog cloud for 1 minute. 

  10. Mana. Restores 6 points of mana. 

  11. Mimicry (Elixir). You can mimic any creature's voice and alter your facial features. 

  12. Nightvision (Elixir). You can see in darkness as well as in daylight up to a range of 120 feet.  

  13. Nourishment. You count as fully nourished and hydrated. Cures starvation and dehydration. 

  14. Rainbows (Elixir). Alter the color of your body and all of your carried gear at will.

  15. Slumber. Causes the drinker to fall asleep and take a full rest. Rousable by rough handling. 

  16. Warmth (Elixir). Radiate heat and unaffected by environmental cold less than direct damage. 

  17. Waterbreathing (Elixir). Survive underwater for the duration. 


Tier 2

  1. Agility (Elixir). Gain +2 to initiative, defense, and reflex saves due to supernatural swiftness.   

  2. Breath (Elixir). Exhale breathable air for the duration, at normal rate of breath. 

  3. Courage (Elixir). Immunity to supernatural emotion effects and insanity checks. 

  4. Diminution (Elixir). Shrink down to size tiny, losing speed and reach. Statistics remain the same.  

  5. Growth (Elixir). Grow to size large, (+10 speed/reach, +1 damage dice)   

  6. Love (Elixir). The drinker is smitten with the first compatible creature they see. 

  7. Might (Elixir). Gain advantage on athletics checks and +2 to weapon damage rolls. 

  8. Panacea (Potion). The drinker is cured of any diseases, poisoning, parasites, or radiation.  

  9. Rage (Elixir). Once per combat when taking the attack action you can make an additional attack. 

  10. Tongues (Elixir). Gain the ability to speak the native language of any creature you address. 


Tier 3

  1. Acuity (Elixir). Advantage on perception checks and +5 to alertness and initiative.  

  2. Celerity (Elixir). Gain an extra bonus action each round. This cannot be used to cast spells.   

  3. Disguise (Elixir). Assume a humanoid form within 50% of your original height and weight.  

  4. Exorcism (Potion). Drive possessing entities out of a drinker. It sustains 8d10 psychic damage.  

  5. Hardiness (Elixir). Gain +2 soak for the duration.  

  6. Invisibility (Potion). Gain invisibility for 1 hour, or until you attack or cast a spell.  

  7. Memorization (Potion). Gain a perfect memory of the next 10 minutes. 

  8. Resistance (Elixir). Gain resistance to whatever damage type the potion protects against.  

  9. Speed (Potion). Gain the effects of a haste spell for 10 minutes. 

  10. Venomblood (Elixir). When bitten or a creature drinks your blood it takes 1d12 psychic damage.  


Tier 4

  1. Etherealness (Elixir). Translate into the border ethereal plane for the duration.  

  2. Fortune (Elixir). Gain a +1d4 bonus to all attacks, saves, and skill checks.  

  3. Health (Elixir). Immunity to disease, poison, and fatigue for the duration. 

  4. Levitation (Elixir). Gain a flight speed of 40 for the duration.  

  5. Mindbar (Elixir). Psychic resistance and immunity to charm and mind reading effects.  

  6. Preservation (Elixir). The drinker stops physically aging for the next 1d12 years.  

  7. Prowess (Elixir). Gain an extra attack when taking the attack action.  

  8. Rejuvenation (Elixir). Recover 1 health per minute for the duration.  

  9. Resurrection (Potion). Inject into a corpse to resurrect it after 1d6 hours.

  10. Sanctification (Elixir). Immune to energy drain. Undead striking you take 1d10 radiant damage. 


Tier 5

  1. Ambrosia (Potion). Reduce the biological age of the drinker by 1d12 years. 

  2. Gigantism (Elixir). Grow 2 categories, gain +20 speed, 20’ reach, and two weapon damage dice. 

  3. Glibness (Elixir). Advantage on charisma based skill checks. 

  4. Immunity (Elixir). Gain immunity to a specific type of damage the elixir wards against.  

  5. Ironskin (Elixir). Resistance to slashing, piercing, and crushing damage.  

  6. Lycanthropy (Potion). Transform the drinker into a true lycanthrope after 1d6 days. 

  7. Respite (Potion). Fall asleep for 1 hour to gain the effects of a full rest. 

  8. Spellwarding (Elixir). Gain magic resistance.   

  9. Trollblood (Elixir). Recover 1 health every 10 minutes and regrow lost limbs, like a troll. 

  10. Vitality (Elixir). The drinker does not need to eat, drink, sleep, or rest for 7 days.  


Tier 6

  1. Adamant (Permanent). Dilute and immerse to transmute 100 lbs of metal to adamantine. 

  2. Apotheosis (Permanent). Gain 1 experience level. 

  3. Argentum (Permanent). Dilute and immerse to transmute 1 ton of base metal to silver.

  4. Aurum (Permanent). Dilute and immerse to transmute 1 ton of base metal to gold. 

  5. Fortune (Elixir). Gain advantage on all attacks, saves, skill checks, and arete rolls. 

  6. Immortality (Permanent). Stop physically aging. The drinker can still die by illness or violence. 

  7. Liberation (Potion). Break the effects of supernatural control, bindings, curses, and geases. 

  8. Metamorphosis (Permanent). As the elixir of disguise, but permanent. 

  9. Sovereignty (Permanent). Gain 1 point to a statistic of choice. 

  10. Titanism (Elixir). Grow gargantuan (30 might, +3 damage dice, +30’ reach/speed, +200 health)


Managrams are spells written on a portable ritually prepared surface, usually a paper or slate of metal or clay. After it is used the writing vanishes and the surface becomes blank. There are four types.


A scroll is the most common type of managram. It is simply a spell, imprinted on a page in usable form. Any mystic capable of casting spells of that type (arcane, divine, or primal) can read the scroll and cast the spell, even if the level of the spell would normally be beyond their ability. Mystics often pen scrolls with useful spells and hide them away as an emergency resource. 


A glyph is a spell rune any creature can activate through physical touch and speaking a command word. Usually the trigger word is written on the item bearing the glyph, though not always. Most glyphs confer some beneficial effect, like healing or personal enhancement. Alternatively, they can be trap items that release an effect when damaged or broken. 


A grammarie is a complicated ritual laid out across a broad surface. Most look like impressive masses of writing, hieroglyphs, diagrams, and astrological markings. Like magical ‘software’ coded and run by a computer, grammaries enable feats of magic no individual mystic could perform using their mind alone. All grammaries have class and level requirements, and may only be used in conjunction with the right materials, sacrifices, or phenomena. 

A malevograph is a written curse that targets anyone reading it. Such a trap may be situational or designed to target certain types of creatures. Powerful mystics usually craft them to protect their secrets, ward their spellbooks, or punish their enemies.

Melee Weapons

Melee Weapon, Celerity. This +2 weapon rings slightly when drawn and sheathed, like a tuning fork. The wielder can attack with it as a bonus action. Drawing and sheathing this weapon does not require an action of any sort. If attuned, it grants its owner +2 to initiative rolls and the ability to move up to 10 feet as a reaction immediately after being missed by a melee or missile attack. 


Melee Weapon, Dancing. This +2 weapon can be released and commanded to levitate and follow the wielder at a range of up to 5 feet. While levitating, it can be ordered to attack a single creature within 30 feet as a bonus action. The weapon flies out to the target, strikes, and returns to the owner with the speed of an arrow. If attuned, the Weapon can take a reaction once per round to increase its owner's defense by 5 points against a single melee or missile attack. 


Melee Weapon, Firebrand. This +1 weapon ignites with supernatural fire on command, shedding light as a torch and igniting flammable objects. It deals an additional +1d6 fire damage per blow. Immersing the weapon in water suppresses the flames. It grants its owner fire resistance and immunity to smoke inhalation if attuned. 


Melee Weapon, Frostbrand. This +1 weapon radiates frosty white radiance on command, shedding light as a torch and freezing liquids it contacts. It deals an additional +1d6 cold damage per blow. Thrusting the weapon into open non-magical flame extinguishes all fire in a 5-foot radius. If attuned, it grants its owner cold resistance and immunity to the effects of non-magical cold.  


Melee Weapon, Sharpness. This +2 weapon glows with golden radiance on command, shedding light to a radius of 60 feet. It deals +1d6 slashing damage per blow and deals double damage to inanimate objects and plants. On a natural 20 (critical hit) the weapon deals an additional +10 points of slashing damage. 


Melee Weapon, Singing. This +2 weapon hums and rings like a tuning fork when drawn and sheathed. Once per round as a reaction, the wielder can cause the sword to emit inspiring music or some similar sound effect to grant a +1d6 bonus to a single failed attack roll or saving throw made by a friendly creature (including the wielder) within 60 feet. If this bonus would cause the attack or save to succeed, it does so. If attuned, the sword grants +2 to perform, and the wielder can cause it to emit any sound(s) they wish up to 10x their maximum vocal volume. If used to amplify the owner's voice, it acts as a magical megaphone.


Melee Weapon, Soulbrand. This +1 weapon radiates ghostly radiance on command, shedding light as a torch and withering any medium or smaller plant it touches. It deals an additional +1d6 necrotic damage per blow. Striking an undead creature with this weapon deals an additional +1d10 radiant damage instead of necrotic damage. If attuned, it grants its owner necrotic resistance and immunity to stat damage inflicted by the attacks of undead creatures. 


Melee Weapon, Stormbrand. This +1 weapon seethes with electricity on command, shedding light as a torch and shocking anything it touches. It deals an additional +1d6 lightning damage per blow. Thrusting the weapon into liquid or touching it to ferrous metal deals 1d6 lightning damage to every creature in contact with the conductive material within 10 feet of the sword. If attuned, it grants its owner lightning resistance and the ability to ignore high force winds.


Melee Weapon, Vampiric. This +2 weapon glows with an ugly red sheen, shedding light as a torch. It deals an additional +1d6 slashing damage per blow to creatures with blood. This weapon does not deal double damage on a natural 20 (critical hit). Instead, it restores lost health equal to the damage the blow inflicts. If attuned, it grants its owner immunity to injected poisons (not contact or inhaled toxins) and effects that cause blood loss. 


Melee Weapon, Vorpal. This +3 weapon glows with silvery radiance on command, shedding light as a torch. It deals +1d8 slashing damage per blow. On a natural 20 (critical hit) the weapon decapitates any target with a neck and head. The creature is instantly killed if it cannot survive without its head. 


Missile Weapon, Falcon. This +1 weapon grants its wielder the binocular eyesight of a falcon, and does not incur disadvantage when firing at long range. If the wielder jumps from a high place the weapon also acts as a paraglider on command, catching potential air currents and allowing its owner to fly a variable distance and speed before gravity forces a natural landing. 


Missile Weapon, Heartseeker. This +3 weapon naturally targets the hearts of its victims. On a critical hit it deals triple damage to any huge or smaller creature with a heart. The wielder can concentrate to detect heartbeats within 60 feet, and such creatures have disadvantage on stealth checks to sneak up on the wielder. Any vampire critically hit with this weapon is immediately staked. 


Missile Weapon, Nimbus. This +2 weapon manifests a string of seething electricity when used. It creates its own ammunition, hurling small arcs of energy that deal an additional +1d6 lightning damage. If the wielder is a spellcaster, they also gain knowledge of the lightning spell while it remains attuned. 


Missile Weapon, Serpent. This +1 weapon deals an additional +1d10 poison damage to living creatures with blood. The wielder also gains immunity to poison. 


Missile Weapon, Solar. This +2 weapon makes its wielder immune to blindness of all types and can emit white light out to a radius of 40 feet on command. Any creature struck by an arrow fired from it is treated as having been bathed in daylight for one full round. It also deals an additional +1d8 radiant damage to undead. 


Dagger, Bloodspike. This +1 dagger deals an additional +1d6 damage to creatures with blood, and the wielders injuries do not bleed. Creatures of up to size large killed by this weapon are instantly exsanguinated, their blood drained and their bodies dehydrated. 


Dagger, Faithful. This +3 dagger deals +1d8 bonus damage to any creature that has ever directly wounded its attuned wielder, and the wielder gains advantage on legerdemain attempts to hide or conceal it. Even if dropped or removed, it will instantly reappear in its wielder's hand when called as a reaction. This effect cannot be blocked by any means, including magical wards or dimensional separation. The dagger may change owners only if it is given away willingly, its prior owner is dead, or the dagger is targeted with a Decurse spell. This dagger has a hollow hilt with a secret compartment large enough to hold a small piece of paper, a few rings or jewels, lockpicks, a potion vial, or similar. When the dagger returns to its owner, any objects hidden in this compartment arrive with it. 


Dagger, Ironfang. This +2 adamantine dagger is specially enchanted to penetrate lithic materials and metals. It has advantage on attacks against creatures wearing medium or heavy armor, and can be used to penetrate brick or stone with ease. 


Dagger, Knaveblade. This +1 dagger deals an additional die of backstab damage when used for such an attack. Any target struck in this fashion also becomes silenced for one round. 


Dagger, Venom. This +1 dagger deals an additional +1d6 damage to living creatures with blood. It also has a hollow handle with a secret reservoir that can hold up to three doses of alternative poison. On a critical hit the dagger delivers a dose of its stored venom to the target. If holy water is placed in the hilt, the dagger loses its poisonous quality and instead deals +1d6 radiant damage per blow to creatures that are affected by holy water. 


Dagger, Hound. This +2 dagger sometimes vibrates when its wielder is in imminent danger. It increases alertness by +5, initiative by +2, and the wielder can act during the surprise round. The wielder can also designate one specific visually (not audibly) observable event that will cause the dagger to emit a barking sound if it occurs within 60 feet. This event cannot have actionable context, so stealth or pickpocketing would not be noticed while opening a door, drawing a blade (not a weapon), or lighting a fuse would. 


Dagger, Winged. This +2 dagger has a range of 40/80 and returns to a wielder's hand when thrown. The wielder also gains immunity to crushing damage from falls under 30 feet and resistance to such damage from higher falls. 


Lance, Universal. This +1 weapon looks like a short rod with a wrapped grip and a spear Weapon at the end. In this form, it can be used as a shortsword. An attuned wielder can cause the weapon to change length on command, giving it a fluid reach of anywhere from 5 to 15 feet. The head of the rod is morphic and can alter its shape to become any sort of polearm or hafted weapon with a metal head (warhammer, battleaxe, pike, halberd, spear, glaive, bill, etc.) as a bonus action. If braced against the ground and then extended for use as a climbing tool or a vaulting pole, it adds up to 15 feet to the wielder’s vertical or horizontal jumping distance utilizing the acrobatics skill. 


Lance, Wind. This +1 mithril weapon looks like a javelin. An attuned wielder can cause this weapon to change its length on command, becoming a javelin, spear, or pike as a bonus action. In javelin form it gains the returning property and a range of 100/200 feet.


Mace, Battlestar. This +2 adamantine weapon looks like a morningstar: a club capped with a spiked metal ball. An attuned wielder can cause the head to detach and a chain to extend and contract from the haft, turning it into a flail with a fluid reach of 5 to 10 feet. At the end of every full rest, the wielder may choose to gain immunity to a single spell of their choice. This immunity lasts until the weapon becomes unattuned or a new spell is selected. 


Mace, Disruption. This +3 weapon is morphic, and an attuned wielder can cause it to become a mace, morningstar, or maul on command. Fiends and undead struck by it suffer an additional +2d6 points of radiant damage. If the target is reduced to 20 health or less as a result of this damage, it is annihilated. 


Mace, Nightbreaker. This +2 weapon grants its wielder +2 to the intimidate skill and immunity to supernatural fear while attuned. If it scores a critical hit, the target sustains +10 points of psychic damage and becomes frightened of the wielder for one minute. 

Missile Weapons

Missile Weapon, Falcon. This +1 weapon grants its wielder the binocular eyesight of a falcon, and does not incur disadvantage when firing at long range. If the wielder jumps from a high place the weapon also acts as a paraglider on command, catching potential air currents and allowing its owner to fly a variable distance and speed before gravity forces a natural landing. 


Missile Weapon, Heartseeker. This +3 weapon naturally targets the hearts of its victims. On a critical hit it deals triple damage to any huge or smaller creature with a heart. The wielder can concentrate to detect heartbeats within 60 feet, and such creatures have disadvantage on stealth checks to sneak up on the wielder. Any vampire critically hit with this weapon is immediately staked. 


Missile Weapon, Nimbus. This +2 weapon manifests a string of seething electricity when used. It creates its own ammunition, hurling small arcs of energy that deal an additional +1d6 lightning damage. If the wielder is a spellcaster, they also gain knowledge of the lightning spell while it remains attuned. 


Missile Weapon, Serpent. This +1 weapon deals an additional +1d10 poison damage to living creatures with blood. The wielder also gains immunity to poison. 


Missile Weapon, Solar. This +2 weapon makes its wielder immune to blindness of all types and can emit white light out to a radius of 40 feet on command. Any creature struck by an arrow fired from it is treated as having been bathed in daylight for one full round. It also deals an additional +1d8 radiant damage to undead. 


Magical Staves. Every magical staff has a pool of 20 mana and a list of spells an attuned user can cast using that energy. The mana cost of each spell corresponds to that spell's level. The mystic can also utilize the spells of the staff using their own mana pool. 


Staff of Abjuration. This staff grants a +2 bonus on saves. It can cast the spells shield, adaptation, dispel, and banishment. 


Staff of Conjuration. This staff allows its bearer to cast servant at will. It can cast the spells blink, steed, shelter, and carriage. 


Staff of Divination. This staff allows its bearer to cast aurasight at will. It can cast identify, dowsing, clairvoyance, and telesthesia. 


Staff of Enchantment. This staff grants advantage on will saves. It can cast charm, suggestion, paranoia, and amnesia.  


Staff of Evocation. This staff grants advantage on reflex saves. It can cast fusillade, shockwave, fireball, and blizzard.  


Staff of Illusion. This staff allows its bearer to cast disguise at will. It can cast phantasm, invisibility, borealis, and mislead. 


Staff of Necromancy. This staff grants its bearer necrotic resistance. It can cast obtenebration, undeath, vampirism, and blight.  


Staff of Transmutation. This staff grants advantage on fortitude saves. It can cast feather, resizing, haste, and polymorph. 


Staff of Abetment. This staff grants a +2 bonus to subterfuge rolls. It can cast informance, magelock, sending, tongues, and lifeweb. 


Staff of Skies. This staff allows its bearer to cast feather at will. It can cast torrent, gale, cloudform, lightning, and blizzard.


Staff of Striking. This +3 staff has a retractable blade of variable length, allowing it to be used as a quarterstaff, spear, or glaive. When striking an opponent it deals an additional 1d6 force damage. An attuned wielder can burn up to 2 charges, and each charge deals an additional 1d6 force damage.


Staff of Hinterlands. This +2 staff grants a +2 bonus to survival rolls. It can cast entangle, barkskin, spikes, and overgrowth.


Ring of Animalism. This ring grants an attuned wearer the ability to speak with animals and use survival as a social skill to influence them. 


Ring of Armoring. This ring grants an attuned wearer the ability to manifest or dismiss a suit of +1 armor of any type they are proficient in on their body as a bonus action. The armor can have any cosmetic appearance the wearer desires, including spikes. 


Ring of Barbs. This ring deals 1d6 psychic damage to any creature that successfully strikes and damages its attuned wearer with a melee or missile attack. 


Ring of Beasts. Every ring of this type is enchanted to allow an attuned wearer to assume the form(s) of 1-3 specific animals as a bonus action. This ability is identical to the druidic ability wildshape. 


Ring of Blinking. This ring allows an attuned wearer to cast the blink spell at will. 


Ring of Crushing. This ring enhances an attuned wearer's unarmed damage by +1d6 points.


Ring of Elements (Air). This ring grants an attuned wearer lightning resistance and the ability to survive without air. The ring also has 7 charges and regains 1d6+1 charges each day at dawn. If the wearer satisfies the attunement conditions of the ring, it can be used to cast the following spells: feather (1), gale (2), and lightning (3). 


Ring of Elements (Earth). This ring grants an attuned wearer acid resistance. The ring also has 7 charges and regains 1d6+1 charges each day at dawn. If the wearer satisfies the attunement conditions of the ring, it can be used to cast the following spells: shield (1), spikes (2), and boulder (3). 


Ring of Elements (Fire). This ring grants an attuned wearer fire resistance. The ring also has 7 charges and regains 1d6+1 charges each day at dawn. If the wearer satisfies the attunement conditions of the ring, it can be used to cast the following spells: backfire (1), warmth (2), and fireball (3). 


Ring of Elements (Water). This ring grants an attuned wearer cold resistance and the ability to breathe water. The ring also has 7 charges and regains 1d6+1 charges each day at dawn. If the wearer satisfies the attunement conditions of the ring, it can be used to cast the following spells: torrent (1), fogbank (2), and waterwalk (3).


Ring of Enhancement. Each ring of this type is designed to amplify one statistic while attuned. The statistic becomes 19 unless the creature’s natural statistic is higher. 


Ring of Freedom. This ring grants an attuned wearer immunity to effects that would paralyze or restrict their movement. This includes difficult terrain, grappling, binding with ropes or manacles, and movement through water, undergrowth, or similar mediums. It has no effect on doors, walls, or similar structural obstacles. 


Ring of Girding. This ring allows an attuned wearer to manifest or dismiss any combination of a +1 suit of armor, a +1 shield, and a +1 melee or missile weapon of their choice as a reaction. These items can be of any sort the wearer is proficient with, and their cosmetic appearance is determined by the wearer. If a missile weapon is chosen, it creates its own ammunition. 


Ring of Gnosis. This ring glows and hums if the hand wearing it touches an enchanted item. If attuned it increases the maximum spell energy of its wearer by 2 points per character level. 


Ring of Jumping. This ring increases the maximum jumping distance of its wearer by 5 feet. If attuned it triples the maximum jumping distance of the wearer and reduces falling damage by 30 feet to a minimum of 0. 


Ring of Minotaurs. This ring doubles the maximum volume of its wearer’s voice. If attuned it also grants its wearer the ability to dash as a bonus action and the ability to grow horns from their head as a reaction. These horns can be used to make unarmed attacks with a base damage of 1d10+MIGHT. They can look like anything the wearer wishes, and while extruded the wearer’s skull hardens to grant the benefits of wearing a helmet. If the wearer makes a charge attack with the horns, their foot speed increases by 20 and they deal +4 damage.


Ring of Protection. This ring cloaks its wearer's head in an intangible field of force, granting the benefits of wearing a helmet and gorget. If attuned it grants the wearer a +1 bonus to defense, soak, and saving throws. 


Ring of Reflection. This ring grants an attuned wearer advantage on saves against spells. If the wearer rolls a natural 20 on a save against a spell that specifically targets them (not area of effect spells), the spell is reflected back on its caster. 


Ring of Regeneration. This ring doubles its wearer's natural healing rate. If attuned it allows the wearer to regain 6 points of lost health every hour in which no combat occurs. It regenerates lost soft tissue (including organs, eyes, tongue, etc) if worn and attuned during a full rest, but it cannot regenerate bone. 


Ring of Resistance. This ring grants an attuned wearer resistance to one form of damage. 


Ring of Shielding. This ring allows its wearer to manifest or dismiss a shield of force on their arm as a reaction. This shield has no weight, and the wearer can choose the type (buckler/medium/door) and the appearance (transparent/opaque). In all other respects, it acts as a +1 shield.


Ring of Warmth. This ring grants its wearer total protection from the negative effects of non-magical cold, including water. If attuned it grants its wearer cold resistance and the ability to radiate heat up to the temperature of a campfire at will, though this heat cannot deal damage. 


Ring of Waterwalking. This ring grants its wearer the effects of waterwalk at will. 


Why make another d20 system? Because we believe many of the existing “dominant” tabletop rulesets (which shall remain nameless) have not treated their communities very well. The companies producing these systems are out to make money, releasing endless splatbooks that cause rules bloat. Once a ruleset has devolved into an unbalanced monstrosity that only gatekeeping nerds can follow, they burn it all down and start over again. And we really don’t know about this plan; we think that maybe there ought to be a different plan that doesn’t screw people. 

Can I contribute? Absolutely. Just hop into Discord and find the appropriate category for your suggestions or ideas. We will get to them when we can. Grayscale Sword & Sorcery is a free ruleset, and rulesets cannot be copyrighted.


Why make another d20 system? Because we believe many of the existing “dominant” tabletop rulesets (which shall remain nameless) have not treated their communities very well. The companies producing these systems are out to make money, releasing endless splatbooks that cause rules bloat. Once a ruleset has devolved into an unbalanced monstrosity that only gatekeeping nerds can follow, they burn it all down and start over again. And we really don’t know about this plan; we think that maybe there ought to be a different plan that doesn’t screw people. 

Can I contribute? Absolutely. Just hop into Discord and find the appropriate category for your suggestions or ideas. We will get to them when we can. Grayscale Sword & Sorcery is a free ruleset, and rulesets cannot be copyrighted.

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